Latest episodes

Building Web Apps with Blazor with Daniel Roth - .NET 183
Adventures in .NET,
Streamlining Measurement Representations in APIs Using UnisNet Library for .NET - .NET 182
Adventures in .NET,
The Role of Algorithm Implementations and Testing in Development - .NET 181
Adventures in .NET,
To CI/CD or not to CI/CD - .NET 180
Adventures in .NET,
Voice to Code inside Visual Studio - .NET 179
Adventures in .NET,
You've been Blazored! - NET 178
Adventures in .NET,
All About Language Features - .NET 177
Adventures in .NET,
Mastering SignalR - .NET 176
Adventures in .NET,
High Performance Databases with RavenDB with Oren Eini - NET 175
Adventures in .NET,
The Powerhouse Clipboard Tool - NET 173
Adventures in .NET,
Pursuing Developer Certifications - .NET 172
Adventures in .NET,
Designing C# with Mads Torgersen - .NET 156
Adventures in .NET,
Microsoft in Uncharted Territory with Richard Campbell - .NET 155
Adventures in .NET,
Discovering Grace with Scott Arbeit - .NET 154
Adventures in .NET,
API Security Risks with OWASP - .NET 151
Adventures in .NET,
C#'s New Features with Ian Griffiths - .NET 149
Adventures in .NET,
Exception Anti-Patterns in C# with Matt Eland - .NET 146
Adventures in .NET,
Atlas Reailty with Beau Button - .NET 144
Adventures in .NET,
Getting to Know Bruce A. Tate - BONUS
Adventures in .NET,
Layered API Security with Ted Spence - .NET 143
Adventures in .NET,
Jason Weimann - Learn Video Game Development with Chuck - BONUS
Adventures in .NET,
Welcoming Our New Adventures in .NET Hosts - .NET 142
Adventures in .NET,
How Do You Stop Hating Your Job? - BONUS
Adventures in .NET,
Staying on Top of Productivity - .NET 141
Adventures in .NET,
Monolithic Software with Erik Engheim - .NET 140
Adventures in .NET,
Liquid Templates With Martin Tirion - .NET 139
Adventures in .NET,
How To Recession Proof Your Job - BONUS
Adventures in .NET,
BFF and Minimals APIs get Darker - .NET 138
Adventures in .NET,
Tools To Get Rid Of Your Code Smells - .NET 137
Adventures in .NET,