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Amr Azzam
Amr Azzam

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Mastering Dart Operators!

When working with Dart in Flutter, operators make our code cleaner, more efficient, and expressive!
Let's explore some of the most useful ones with examples.

1️⃣ Null-aware operators (??, ??=, ?.)
Dart makes handling null values easy:

String? name;
print(name ?? 'Guest'); // ➡️ 'Guest' (uses default if null)

name ??= 'John'; // Assigns 'John' only if name is null
print(name); // ➡️ 'John'

int? length = name?.length; // Safe null access
print(length); // ➡️ 4
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2️⃣ Spread (...) and Null-aware Spread (...?)
Great for working with collections:

List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3];
List<int>? nullableList;

List<int> allNumbers = [0, ...numbers, 4, ...?nullableList];
print(allNumbers); // ➡️ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
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3️⃣ Cascade (..) Operator
Used for chaining method calls:

final controller = TextEditingController()
  ..text = "Hello, Flutter!"
  ..selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 5);
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4️⃣ Ternary (? :) & Null-aware Conditional (??)
Simplifies conditional expressions:

int age = 18;
String status = age >= 18 ? 'Adult' : 'Minor';
print(status); // ➡️ 'Adult'
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5️⃣ Null Check (!) Operator
Used when you're sure a value isn’t null:

String? nullableString = "Dart";
String nonNullable = nullableString!;
print(nonNullable.length); // ➡️ 4
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Operators make Dart code cleaner, safer, and more readable—a must for any Flutter Developer! 🚀

Which operator is your favorite? Drop your thoughts in the comments! 💬👇

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