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Balraj Singh
Balraj Singh

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How to Write Clean Code: Refactoring and Best Practices

Let’s be honest, every developer (yes, even the ones with years of experience) has shipped messy code at some point.

Writing clean code isn’t some elite skill. It’s a habit you can build. And refactoring? That’s just your chance to make your code actually make sense—both to you and whoever gets stuck maintaining it later.

Let’s break it down. No fluff. No abstract theory. Just practical, real-world tips to help you write clean, maintainable code.

1. Name Things Like You Mean It
Your variables and functions need to tell a story.

Not x, not temp, not data. Those are just placeholders for confusion.

Good: getUserProfile()

Bad: getData()

Good: maxLoginAttempts

Bad: m

When you name things well, your code explains itself—no detective work required.

2. Less Is More: The Power of Function Size

If you’re scrolling through a function like it’s an essay, something’s wrong.

Long functions are hard to read, hard to debug, and hard to maintain. Instead, break them down into smaller, single-purpose functions.

Think of it like this: each function should answer one question. If it’s answering five, break it apart.


// Instead of this
function processUserData(user) {

// Do this
function validateAndSaveUser(user) {

function notifyUser(email) {
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This makes your code easier to read and reuse. Future-you will thank you.

3. Consistency Is Key

Ever worked on a project where userList was called users in one place and activeUsersArray in another? Chaos.

Keep naming conventions, indentation, and formatting consistent. When your code follows a predictable pattern, it’s easier to read—and easier to debug.

Good: userList, orderList, productList
Bad: users, ordersList, listOfProducts

Pick a convention and stick to it. No surprises.

4. Comment With Purpose, Not Out of Habit

Comments should explain why, not what. If your code needs a comment to explain what it does, rewrite the code instead.


// ❌ Bad Comment
// Increase count by 1
count = count + 1;

// ✅ Good Comment
// Edge case: Prevents counter from going negative
if (count > 0) {
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Write comments that add value, not ones that state the obvious.

5. Magic Numbers and Hardcoded Values – Get Rid of Them

Ever seen a function with random numbers thrown in? Yeah, it’s a maintenance nightmare.

Instead, use constants that make these values meaningful.


// ❌ Bad
if (user.loginAttempts > 3) {

// ✅ Good
if (user.loginAttempts > MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS) {
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Much better.

6. DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself

Repetitive code is just waiting to break. If you find yourself copy-pasting, stop. Create reusable functions or modules instead.


// ❌ Bad: Duplicated logic
sendEmail(, "Welcome!");
sendEmail(, "New user registered!");

// ✅ Good: Reusable function
function sendNotification(email, message) {
  sendEmail(email, message);
sendNotification(, "Welcome!");
sendNotification(, "New user registered!");
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This way, when changes are needed, you only have one place to update.

7. Keep Your Code SOLID

If you haven’t heard of SOLID principles, now’s a good time to start. These are five simple rules that make your code cleaner and easier to maintain.

If nothing else, start with this: The Single Responsibility Principle.

Each function/class should do ONE thing and do it well.

If your class is handling both user authentication and database storage, it’s time for a refactor.

8. Refactor Ruthlessly
Writing clean code isn’t a one-and-done thing. It’s a habit.

Every time you review your code, look for ways to make it better:

  • Can you rename variables for clarity?
  • Can you break down a huge function?
  • Can you remove unnecessary comments?

Don’t wait for a major rewrite—refactor as you go.


// ❌ First draft
function fetchUserData(userId) {
  return fetch(`${userId}`)
    .then(response => response.json())
    .catch(error => console.error(error));

// ✅ Refactored
async function fetchUserData(userId) {
  try {
    const response = await fetch(`${userId}`);
    return await response.json();
  } catch (error) {
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Refactoring doesn’t mean your first attempt was bad—it means you’re making it better.

If you can:
✅ Name things clearly

✅ Keep functions small

✅ Stay consistent

✅ Avoid hardcoded values

✅ Refactor often

…you’re already way ahead of the game.

Top comments (19)

tomasdevs profile image
Tomas Stveracek

Good article, I wrote a similar one, but regarding commits, here is the link

balrajola profile image
Balraj Singh

Oh great, I'll check it out! And thank you.

khremesi profile image
Tomasz Michal Juraszek

Shouldn't point 4 be:
if (count < 0) {

Example in point 6, makes no sense?

balrajola profile image
Balraj Singh

Good observation! The intent behind the example was to prevent the count from decreasing below zero, which is why it checks if (count > 0). If the goal were to increment when the count is negative, your suggestion would be spot on. But in this case, it's about ensuring it doesn’t go below zero.

aliasfoxkde profile image
Micheal Kinney

I had the same thought, that the two examples were not the same, but neither is this. If counting up, why would count be less than 0? You counting to 0?

balrajola profile image
Balraj Singh

The example is meant to handle scenarios where the count might already be negative due to prior operations or external factors. In such cases, ensuring it doesn’t decrease further helps maintain logical consistency. Thanks for weighing in.

hadil profile image
Hadil Ben Abdallah

Nice Article

balrajola profile image
Balraj Singh

Thank you!

michael_gbolahan_d05985e8 profile image
Michael Gbolahan

Nice one

balrajola profile image
Balraj Singh

Thank you!

estefancayuela profile image
Estefan Cayuela

I felt exposed in some aspects😅
I will do better, I promise

balrajola profile image
Balraj Singh

Haha, we’ve all been there! The fact that you’re thinking about it means you’re already ahead. Keep going!

ombir_sharma profile image
Ombir Sharma


balrajola profile image
Balraj Singh

Thank you!

nathan_jobe_7012c32d13414 profile image
Nathan Jobe • Edited

It is SOO!! Hard to get people to understand these principles. I constantly hear things like. "If it aint broke dont fix it". "Oh you just dont understand business" blah blah blah. And you always get new people in there trying to show you how "to get it done", when all they are doing is making a mess of things.

sugrivlodhi profile image
Sugriv Lodhi

Good point! Maintaining a well-structured and high-quality codebase is crucial, not just for the current team but also for future developers. It ensures better readability, maintainability, and scalability. It also reduces a lot of pain as our codebase grows.

sunilfgh profile image
Sunil kumar Dubey

Good article

sophahum profile image
Hum Sopha

I think it's just readable