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Filip Sobol
Filip Sobol

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Downsize your JavaScript: Mastering Bundler Optimizations


Over the past 15 years, the JavaScript ecosystem has expanded rapidly, introducing countless tools to make development easier. But these tools come at a cost: growing bundle sizes. In fact, data from the HTTP Archive shows that the average amount of JavaScript transferred per page has surged from 90 KB in 2010 to 650 KB in 2024 (source).

Despite growing adoption and advances in compression, this trend shows no signs of slowing. As we keep adding features, the challenge remains: How can we ship less JavaScript?

Oddly enough, the solutions are both easy and hard. The easy part is the project-level tweaks that can yield quick wins. The hard part is making a lasting impact, which requires a community-wide change to improve bundlers, libraries, and tools.

This article focuses on actionable improvements for your projects, covering:

  • Bundlers: Optimizing build tools to reduce output size.
  • Libraries: Choosing and using external dependencies wisely.
  • Your project: Practical steps to shrink your bundles.

Future articles will address ecosystem-wide improvements we can make, but for now, let’s tackle how these factors contribute to bloated bundles — and how to manage them.

Why optimizing JavaScript matters

JavaScript is the engine behind the modern web interactivity, but it isn’t free. JavaScript is the most computationally expensive resource your browser has to handle. It’s often the bottleneck that determines whether a page feels fast or sluggish, as a bloated bundle can block rendering and degrade overall performance.

The bigger the JavaScript bundle, the longer it takes to load, parse, compile, and run. This delays everything else — like showing content or letting users interact with the page. For someone on a high-end laptop with a fiber connection, this might be a minor annoyance. But for someone on a low-powered phone or a spotty network, it can be the difference between staying or leaving your site entirely.

The first step at reducing the JavaScript bundle size is tree shaking (or “dead code elimination”), which most bundlers do out of the box. But are all bundlers equal?


Bundling in JavaScript has come a long way — from manual concatenation and task runners to sophisticated bundlers. Today, bundler performance is a key focus, with developers prioritizing faster builds. However, build speed isn’t everything. Equally important is the size of the bundles they produce, as smaller bundles translate to faster loading times for users.

In search for better performance, we have moved from writing bundlers in JavaScript to languages like Rust and Go. This switch required writing them from scratch, so every feature and optimization that was present in the old bundlers has to be reimplemented. In the long run, this will likely pay off. However, in the short term, it means that they are missing some features that JavaScript bundlers had years to develop, like good tree shaking or minification. And these are the very features that can help us minimize bundle size.


Of course, talk is cheap, so let's look at the numbers, shall we?

Let's compare eight popular libraries and bundle them with seven popular bundlers. To keep things fair, I used:

  • Node 22.12.0
  • Mean build time from 10 runs (with 2 warm up runs) using node --run
  • Configurations that remove all comments, including licenses, since bundlers handle them differently

You can check out the benchmark setup repository for the exact configurations.

Bundlers tested:

  • esbuild (0.24.0) with built-in minifier
  • Parcel (2.13.2) with built-in minifier
  • Rolldown (0.15.1) with rollup-plugin-esbuild minifier
  • Rollup (4.28.0) with rollup-plugin-esbuild minifier
  • Rspack (1.1.5) with built-in minifier
  • Vite (6.0.3) with built-in minifier
  • webpack (5.97.1) with swc minifier

Note that at the time of writing, Rolldown is still in alpha, so it's at the disadvantage and its results will likely improve over time.

Libraries tested:

  • chart.js
  • ckeditor5
  • d3
  • handsontable
  • luxon
  • mobx
  • tippy.js
  • zod

These libraries vary in size and features — some can function almost like standalone applications.

Build speed

Let's start with build speed, as this is something that developers seem to care a lot about. When bundling all of these libraries together, esbuild is the winner, with the build time of 229 ms. Comparing it to the slowest build time of 7.78 seconds, that's over 34 times faster.

Build speed benchmark results

Based on these results, we can group the bundlers into three categories:

  1. Blazingly fast™: esbuild, Rolldown, Parcel with cache enabled (<1 second, with esbuild under 250 ms).
  2. Faster: Rspack (~2.5 seconds).
  3. Slow: Parcel without cache, Vite, Rollup, webpack (5+ seconds each).

The differences are stark. For instance, Rolldown and Rspack are 7× and 3× faster than their older counterparts, Rollup and webpack, respectively — all while maintaining theoretical backward compatibility. Switching to these newer bundlers could boost productivity significantly on larger projects.

Output size

When it comes to output size, the differences aren’t as drastic as build times, but they still matter.

Aggregated results

When bundling all eight libraries together, Rollup and Vite are the winners, with the output size of 2081 KiB. Comparing it to the largest output size of 2491 KiB, that's over 19.5% smaller output.

A 19.5% difference in output size is substantial: on a slow 3G connection, the smallest bundle might take around 5.7 s to download, while the largest closer to 7 s. Parsing and execution times also scale with bundle size, so the real-world difference could be even more noticeable.

Build size benchmark results

Based on these results, we can group the bundlers outputs into three categories:

  1. Smallest: Rollup, Vite, esbuild, Rolldown, and Parcel (~2081–2162 KiB).
  2. Okay: webpack (~2317 KiB).
  3. Big: Rspack (~2491 KiB).

With this particular set of libraries, webpack and Rspack produced the largest bundles. However, there's a reason for this. In the later section, we will look at it in more detail and introduce an optimization that will help reduce the bundle size in both webpack and Rspack, bringing webpack bundles up to par with Rollup and Vite.

Individual libraries

Aggregated results don't paint the whole picture because it's unlikely that you will use all the libraries listed above in your project. What is more interesting is how these bundlers handle the individual libraries.

Build size benchmark results for individual libraries

For a library like chart.js, the choice of bundler can dramatically affect the output size, with differences reaching 70%. This highlights the importance of testing bundlers with your specific dependencies. In most other cases, the difference is much smaller, reaching up to 22%.

Moreover, while in aggregate webpack ended up in the middle, it performed the best in 4 out of 8 cases. However, because it performed much worse when bundling handsontable and chart.js, it ended up where it did. This means that, depending on the libraries you use, webpack can be a good choice.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have Rspack. It performed the worst in 5 out of 8 cases, which produced a bundle much larger than the other bundlers.

Bundle size vs. output speed

As shown, some bundlers may produce larger builds than others, and the results may also depend on the libraries used.

When choosing a bundler for your project, or migrating from one to another, don't just compare build times — compare the resulting bundle sizes as well. You may find yourself trading faster builds for larger bundles. You should also test it with the libraries you use to make sure it works well in your specific case and setup.

For example, after Angular switched from webpack to esbuild, some developers reported that the size of an empty Angular app increased by around 20 KB. This highlights perfectly the build-speed vs. bundle-size trade-off.

It's not to say that you should not look at the build speed because it's important for developer productiveness and happiness. There's also a correlation between the CI build time and the time needed to merge the code.

Correlation between build speed and merge time

When choosing a bundler, look at the features it provides first. Then aim for a balance between build speed and bundle size. Select the bundler that can produce possibly the smallest bundle in the time that you are comfortable with.
Test a few representative libraries from your project. If your dependencies make up most of your codebase, the differences you see in these benchmarks can be a good predictor for your situation.


Next on our list are external libraries, which often make up the bulk of your JavaScript bundle. In many, if not most, applications I have worked on, they accounted for the majority of the bundle size. That's why it's so important to choose (and use) them wisely.

Gold but old

Many of us have installed libraries like lodash, axios, or moment just to use a single function — leading to bloated applications. These libraries are great and historically important, but as they became more popular, lighter alternatives were created, and some of their features were added to the language itself.

We can take advantage of that. I could list native APIs or newer and smaller alternatives for these libraries, but there are already many articles covering that. And there are so many other libraries that it would be impossible to cover them all.

That's why I will only give you a general advice to take a look at the libraries you use and see if you can remove or replace them with native APIs or smaller alternatives. The YOU MIGHT NOT NEED * website is a great resource to get started.

Bundler-specific optimizations

Bundlers support different features and this also can have a significant impact on the output size. We already saw this in the initial benchmark, where webpack and Rspack produced the largest bundles. But there's a reason for this.

Internally, the handsontable library uses moment to handle dates, which uses dynamic require() calls to load the locale files. Since dynamic require() calls depend on runtime values, webpack and Rspack bundle all locale files just in case they are needed. Depending on your setup, this may be what you want.

In most cases, you won't need all the locales, just the ones you choose. That's why we can configure webpack and Rspack not to bundle them, which significantly reduces the bundle size.

// webpack.config.mjs / rspack.config.mjs

export default {
  module: {
    noParse: [ /moment.js/ ]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This small change reduced the size of the handsontable in both bundles by almost 20% and brings the webpack bundle with all dependencies up to par with Rollup and Vite.

Build size benchmark results without locales

Optimized installation paths

Most libraries aren’t optimized for size by default, but some offer special installation paths or partial builds. Even among the libraries in our test, chart.js, handsontable, and ckeditor5 offer a way to reduce the size of the library by only including the parts you need. Let's look at ckeditor5 as an example.

Comparison between the normal and optimized builds

The default installation path results in the bundle size between 666 and 786 KiB. However, if we use the optimized installation path, the bundle size drops to between 603 and 659 KiB. This is a 7% to 23% reduction in size, depending on the bundler.

Duplicated dependencies

Another thing to look out for are duplicate dependencies. This is a surprisingly common problem in JavaScript applications. For example, Bluesky embed widget had two versions of zod validation library. Removing the duplicate reduced the bundle size by ~9%.

This problem usually doesn't happen because you pulled two different versions of the same library, but because you and one of the external libraries depend on the same library, but in different versions. This can often be solved by updating the libraries you depend on.

Your project

With all of this in mind, we can finally move to the last piece of the puzzle — your project. Here’s what you can do to shrink your bundles and improve performance.

Inspect your bundles

The first step is visibility. Without understanding what’s inside your bundles, reducing their size becomes a guessing game. For this, you can use a bundle analyzer and visualizer I created called Sonda. It works with most bundlers mentioned above (except Parcel) and accurately shows the size of individual files that contribute to the bundle.

You can start by installing it in your project and visually inspecting parts of your bundle.

Tree map chart for Sonda project itself

Once you have a good understanding of what’s inside the bundles and have identified the parts that can be optimized, you can click on the graph tiles to see:

Sonda also warns you about duplicate dependencies so you can quickly identify and fix the root of the problem.

Ideally, you should not only do a one-time inspection, but set up continues monitoring as part of your CI pipeline. Tracking changes over time, especially in large projects, can help you prevent small changes from snowballing into significant bloat over time.

Remove or optimize external libraries

The fastest code is the code you don’t ship. Whenever possible:

  • Remove libraries that can be replaced by native APIs.
  • Swap out heavyweight libraries for smaller alternatives.
  • Use optimized installation paths if the library support it.

Use code splitting

If you can’t remove some part of your application, try code splitting. Code splitting allows you to defer loading certain parts of your app until they’re needed, improving initial load times.

Use dynamic import() to load modules on demand. For example, if a particular feature isn’t needed until the user clicks a button, defer loading it until that moment.

Modern frontend frameworks support lazy loading out of the box, making it easier than ever to integrate code splitting into your workflow.

Follow the best practices

This is a general advice, but it's worth repeating. Follow the best practices, like:

  • Use the latest target you can so that the code is not unnecessarily transpiled or polyfilled. Some polyfills can add a lot of code that is not needed at all in modern browsers, but many environments still add them by default. You can also set up a reminder to update the target every year.
  • Regularly update dependencies, as every so often the newer versions are smaller or faster. This can also prevent you from having to deal with security vulnerabilities or duplicate dependencies.
  • Evaluate each dependency you already have or are considering adding. If you can't justify the size, don't add it or search for a smaller alternative.

Join the Ecosystem Performance (e18e) community

If you are interested in making the web faster or simply just learning new things, you should consider joining the Ecosystem Performance community. We focus on three main areas:

  • Clean up — Improving packages by removing redundant dependencies or replacing them with modern alternatives.
  • Speed up — Improving performance of widely used packages.
  • Level up — Building modern alternatives to outdated packages.


I hope this article illustrates that you can ship the same features with less code. Bundle sizes can grow out of control if unmanaged, but even small changes can significantly improve performance.

Start today: analyze your bundles, test a new tool, or replace a heavyweight library. The impact will surprise you.

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or comments, or if you like to learn more about a specific topic, please let me know in the comments below. If you want to learn more about the topic of JavaScript performance, bundling and tree-shaking, you can follow me here or on BlueSky and join the e18e community.

Top comments (13)

yyx990803 profile image
Evan You • Edited

There are some notable issues that need to be pointed out for this comparison:

  1. You are using Parcel's build time from a cached run. On my machine, a fresh build with Parcel is about 20x slower than a cache hit.

  2. Your bundle size comparison is not just comparing bundlers, but a combination of bundlers + minifiers. This is quite difficult to make it apples-to-apples because some bundlers come with built-in minification, some require external minifier via plugins, and most of them allow switching between minifiers. The choice of which minifier to use is full of speed vs. quality trade-offs in itself. For example, Vite uses esbuild as the minifier by default, but can use terser or swc instead. In your benchmark, you are using esbuild as the minifier in the rollup config, but using terser in the webpack config. Terser is significantly slower than esbuild, but yields better minification ratio (see If you want to compare only bundlers, then you should do it without minification, but that will not reflect production cases; if you want to compare bundle + minification, then you should at least use the same minifier for bundlers that don't have built-in minification.

  3. Why Rolldown's bundle size look big in this case: while Rolldown has built-in minification (via Oxc minifier), it is still WIP. It only implements very rudimentary compression and is in there for integration test purposes, and has a LOT of room for improvements in the next few months. We should probably emit a warning when users use Rolldown's built-in minify before it is ready. For now, we recommend using a more mature minifier via a plugin. If you use swc as the minifier via a plugin with Rolldown, you should see similar bundle size compared to Rollup.

  4. esbuild has a unique advantage in this benchmark in that its built-in minification adds very little overhead compared to its non-minified build, because it parallelizes many minify-related operations in its per-module transform phase, and also performs the final minification on the same AST. This architectural choice results in better performance, but limits the amount of cross-module optimizations that can be performed. In Rolldown / Oxc, we have opted to perform minification on a separate AST on the bundled chunks in order to be able to add more cross-module-analysis based optimizations down the road. This sacrifices some performance when the minifier is enabled, but will result in smaller bundles in the long run.

  5. I'm not sure how you are measuring the numbers. Usually, numbers reported by the tools themselves omit some necessary overhead (e.g. launching the CLI, parsing the config etc.), where as end-to-end time via npm scripts includes unnecessary overhead of npm or the script runner. There is also a lot of noise / fluctutation between manual single runs. I think a more accurate way to report numbers is using hyperfine to run the builds using Node 22's node --run so that we measure the end-to-end time without npm run overhead.

filipsobol profile image
Filip Sobol • Edited

That's good feedback, which I was kind of hoping for. I will address some of the points:

  1. The cold build time in Parcel is indeed much slower. Parcel is a fairly unique bundler compared to others in all aspects, and one of the design decisions they made is that cache is enabled by default. This contrasts with other bundlers, which require explicit configuration or don't have caching at all. That's why I decided that using cached build time is fair in this case. When developers choose to use Parcel, they are likely aware of this trade-off and persist the cache locally or in CI/CD. However, I believe that your argument is still valid, and I will update the article to include cold and warm build times as well.
  2. One clarification — the webpack example uses swc minifier, not terser (see the configuration). My reasoning for using different minifiers is that some bundlers have them built-in while others don't. This means that depending on the bundler, the developers are either expected or not expected to bring their own minifiers. I wanted to show how the bundlers perform in the common scenario so that we don't try to compare unlikely setups. That's why currently esbuild, Parcel, Rolldown and Rspack use their own minifiers, while Rollup and webpack use esbuild and swc respectively. This is indeed not a perfect comparison. I'm happy to update the article if you have suggestions, but again — I would rather not compare unlikely setups.
  3. I will update the article with the results of using esbuild minifier with Rolldown. This will probably affect the build time, but will be a more fair comparison. I've tried to be fair to Rolldown and in two places in the article I've mentioned that it's still in alpha and that it may not be fair to draw the conclusions just yet.
  4. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I don't think it makes the comparison unfair, but it's good to know the reasoning behind the numbers.
  5. This is a fair point. I ran the benchmarks many, many times and there was some fluctuation in the numbers, but nothing that would change the overall picture presented in the article given the differences between the build times. However, to make the comparison more fair, I will update the article with the results of using hyperfine (or similar) to run the builds.
filipsobol profile image
Filip Sobol

The article is updated to:

  • show mean build time from 10 runs (with 2 warm up runs),
  • specify minifiers used,
  • show separate results for Parcel with cache and without cache,
  • show Rolldown results when using minifier from the rollup-plugin-esbuild plugin.

The updated results put Rolldown in the group of best performing bundlers when it comes to bundle size. This is very impressive, given that it's still in alpha.

Thread Thread
yyx990803 profile image
Evan You

Thanks for the update!

I noticed another thing: Rollup and Rolldown are showing unreasonably large bundles for MobX and tippy.js, and found out that their configs don't have the necessary options to replace process.env.NODE_ENV for treeshaking. PR:

Thread Thread
filipsobol profile image
Filip Sobol

Nice catch! I've also disabled the module preload polyfill in Vite because it was added to every result separately, skewing the results, while in real application will only be added once.

The article is updated.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Thanks for the comment!

fyodorio profile image

In my humble opinion (and experience) build times don’t matter at all if compared to testing/linting processes timing at CI/CD pipelines. So the bundle size is eventually a much more important metric here — at least for large enterprise codebases.

skillboosttrainer profile image

This is an excellent overview of modern bundlers and their performance! I had no idea the differences in build times and output sizes could be so dramatic. Definitely trying out esbuild for my next project! 🚀

scooperdev profile image
Stephen Cooper

Thanks for pulling all this information together and sharing your insights!

It's been my world for the last 6 months reducing the bundle size of AG Grid!

reinmarpl profile image
Piotrek Koszuliński

Greetings from CKEditor! Shipping JavaScript libraries is much fun, isn't it, Filip? :D

kurealnum profile image

Thanks for gathering all of this information. I've been trying to optimize some of my stuff for a while, and this really helps!

jserfeng profile image
Finn • Edited

Thanks for the great article !

I've noticed that Webpack and Rspack supports context require by default, eg: require('./' + name), but rollup seems doesn't support it by default, so moment is bundled by webpack but not rollup in some cases, that affects bundle size as well

filipsobol profile image
Filip Sobol

This case is discussed here

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