Latest episodes

30 - Creating VR games by learning from step 1 with Noble Ackerson
Friends That Code,
29 - Empower your team with shared design language with Sarrah Vesselov
Friends That Code,
28 - How to be an awesome game developer, author, editor, speaker, etc. with Tammy Coron
Friends That Code,
27 - How to learn by teaching with Nate Ebel
Friends That Code,
26 - Imposter Syndrome: You Do Belong Here & other affirmations and ways to beat imposter syndrome
Friends That Code,
25 - It's GRAEME DEVINE! with Graeme Devine
Friends That Code,
24 - Preparing for better opportunities. Oh! and pinball too with Stacy Devino
Friends That Code,
23 - Having every job imaginable in technology with Joey deVilla
Friends That Code,
22 - Coding a secure, community driven, open sourced Smash Bros moves app with Kento Kawakami
Friends That Code,
21 - Mentoring developers & fostering the community with Maggie Negm
Friends That Code,
20 - Dialoging with an Android Developer with Huyen Tue Dao
Friends That Code,
19 - Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready with Jerome Hardaway
Friends That Code,
18 - Development is just another creative outlet with David Khourshid
Friends That Code,
17 - Creating: Turning static into fantastic with Erica Jacobs
Friends That Code,
16 - ABC's of success: Authenticity, Balance and Communication with Bill Conyea
Friends That Code,
15 - From design, to coding, to app with SwiftUI & authoring books with Craig Clayton
Friends That Code,
14 - If someone expresses confidence in you, believe them! ft. Tony Amos
Friends That Code,
13 - Marketing to the right audiences in the right spaces with Robyn Spoto
Friends That Code,
12 - Why remote work is important for everyone and big hats at meetups with Michele Cynowicz
Friends That Code,
11 - Getting a Masters Degree with a GI Bill, Silly things recruiters say, FANG interview tips ft. Roland Heintze
Friends That Code,
10 - Being a polymath, community, creating, facilitating, welding art together and running a B&B ft. Christi Kapp
Friends That Code,
09 - Helping new and established developers ft. Jenell Pizarro
Friends That Code,
08 - Data science in Baseball, advice for interviews and show tunes ft. Ben Gilman
Friends That Code,
07 - Always learning, building communities, Flutteristas and Sketchnoting ft. Nitya Narasimhan
Friends That Code,
06 - Friends That Code ft. Katherine Trammell
Friends That Code,
02 - Friends That Code ft. Annyce Davis
Friends That Code,
0 - A Rambling Introduction to Friends That Code
Friends That Code,
05 - Fun ways to get into Machine Learning ft. Kesha Williams
Friends That Code,
04 - Friends That Code ft. Sam Edwards
Friends That Code,