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Harsh Mishra
Harsh Mishra

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Heaps, DSA Complete Syllabus

Course Curriculum: Mastering Heaps Data Structure and Algorithms

This comprehensive course covers all aspects of heaps, from the fundamentals to advanced concepts and applications. By the end of this course, learners will have mastered heaps and their variations, gaining the skills to apply them in problem-solving, software development, and competitive programming.

Module 1: Introduction to Heaps

  1. Understanding Data Structures
    • Overview of tree-based data structures.
    • Comparison of arrays, linked lists, binary trees, and heaps.
  2. What is a Heap?
    • Definition and properties.
    • Min-Heap and Max-Heap concepts.
    • Heap as a Complete Binary Tree.
  3. Real-world Applications of Heaps
    • Priority queues.
    • Task scheduling.
    • Heap-based sorting algorithms.
  4. Types of Heaps
    • Binary Heap.
    • Fibonacci Heap.
    • Binomial Heap.
    • Pairing Heap.
  5. Environment Setup
    • Tools and programming environments for practicing heaps.

Module 2: Implementing Heaps

  1. Heap Representation
    • Representing heaps as arrays.
    • Relationship between parent and child nodes.
    • Index calculation for parent and children.
  2. Heap Operations
    • Insert.
    • Delete.
    • Peek/Top.
  3. Building a Heap
    • Bottom-up approach.
    • Top-down approach.
    • Time complexity analysis.
  4. Heapify Operation
    • Understanding heapify.
    • Recursive vs iterative heapify.
  5. Comparison of Heaps and Other Data Structures
    • Heaps vs Balanced Binary Search Trees.
    • Heaps vs Arrays.

Module 3: Variants of Heaps

  1. Min-Heap and Max-Heap
    • Implementation differences.
    • Converting a Min-Heap to Max-Heap and vice versa.
  2. Binomial Heaps
    • Structure and operations.
    • Union and merging of binomial heaps.
  3. Fibonacci Heaps
    • Structure and operations.
    • Decrease key and delete operations.
    • Applications in Dijkstra’s Algorithm.
  4. Pairing Heaps
    • Advantages and disadvantages.
    • Real-world use cases.
  5. Leftist Heaps
    • Definition and properties.
    • Skew heaps and their applications.

Module 4: Heap Applications

  1. Priority Queues
    • Priority queue implementation using heaps.
    • Use cases in task scheduling and resource allocation.
  2. Heap Sort
    • Algorithm and implementation.
    • Time and space complexity analysis.
    • Comparison with other sorting algorithms.
  3. Median Maintenance
    • Finding the median of a stream of numbers.
    • Using two heaps (Min-Heap and Max-Heap) for efficiency.
  4. Kth Largest/Smallest Element
    • Using heaps to find kth largest/smallest elements.
    • Real-world scenarios and problem-solving techniques.
  5. Merging Multiple Sorted Arrays
    • Efficiently merging arrays using heaps.
    • Applications in external sorting.

Module 5: Advanced Operations and Optimizations

  1. Heap in Graph Algorithms
    • Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm.
    • Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithm.
  2. Handling Large Data with Heaps
    • External memory heaps.
    • Applications in big data and streaming.
  3. Amortized Analysis of Heap Operations
    • Analysis for Fibonacci heaps.
    • Cost of insert, delete, and decrease-key operations.
  4. Customizing Heap Operations
    • Designing custom comparators.
    • Heaps for multi-criteria optimization problems.

Module 6: Specialized Heaps

  1. Ternary and D-ary Heaps
    • Generalization of binary heaps.
    • Applications in multi-way heaps.
  2. Skew Heaps
    • Structure and operations.
    • Comparison with other heap variants.
  3. Soft Heaps
    • Definition and applications in approximation algorithms.
  4. Lazy Heaps
    • Concept and real-world scenarios.
  5. Interval Heaps
    • Representation and use cases.

Module 7: Practical Projects and Case Studies

  1. Event Simulation System
    • Using heaps for efficient event scheduling.
  2. Real-time Resource Allocation
    • Implementing a priority queue for resource allocation.
  3. Search Autocomplete System
    • Using heaps to suggest the top k search results.
  4. Task Scheduler
    • Designing a task scheduling system with priority queues.

Module 8: Competitive Programming with Heaps

  1. Common Heap Problems in Competitions
    • Problems from platforms like Codeforces, LeetCode, and HackerRank.
  2. Problem-Solving Techniques
    • Identifying heap-based solutions.
    • Debugging common errors.
  3. Time Optimization
    • Reducing overhead in heap operations.
    • Space-efficient implementations.

Module 9: Real-world Applications of Heaps

  1. Operating Systems
    • Heaps in memory management.
    • Applications in garbage collection.
  2. Databases
    • Using heaps in query optimization.
    • Disk scheduling with heaps.
  3. Machine Learning and AI
    • Heaps in data preprocessing.
    • Applications in clustering algorithms.
  4. Big Data and Streaming
    • Real-time analytics with heaps.
    • Top-k problem solutions in big data.

Module 10: Final Assessment and Mastery

  1. Comprehensive Coding Projects
    • Build a fully functional heap-based library.
    • Implementing a streaming data analytics tool using heaps.
  2. Capstone Project
    • Design and implementation of a real-world application centered around heaps.
  3. Final Examination
    • Theory and practical coding exam to assess mastery.
  4. Feedback and Next Steps
    • Personalized feedback for improvement.
    • Recommendations for further study and advanced topics.

This syllabus ensures complete mastery of heaps, from foundational concepts to advanced real-world applications, making it ideal for learners aiming to excel in data structure design and algorithm development.

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