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Ibrahim H. Al-Yazouri
Ibrahim H. Al-Yazouri

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Query Optimization: How the Query Optimizer Works Using Relational Algebra


Modern relational database management systems (RDBMS) employ sophisticated query optimizers that transform SQL queries into efficient execution plans. Understanding query optimization at a conceptual level helps developers write better-performing queries that align with the optimizer's logic. This article explores query optimization principles using relational algebra concepts, making these complex topics both intuitive and practical.

Relational Algebra: The Foundation of Query Optimization

Relational algebra provides the theoretical framework for manipulating and querying relational databases. It defines a set of operations that act on relations (tables) to retrieve or transform data. The fundamental operations include:

  • Selection (σ): Filters rows based on a condition.
  • Projection (π): Selects specific columns from a table.
  • Join (⨝): Combines rows from two tables based on a related column.
  • Union (∪): Merges rows from two tables with the same schema.
  • Intersection (∩): Retrieves rows common to two tables.
  • Difference (−): Retrieves rows in one table but not in another.
  • Cartesian Product (×): Combines all rows from two tables, producing every possible pair.

Query Translation Process

When you write an SQL query, the database query optimizer:

  1. Translates the query into a relational algebra expression.
  2. Applies transformations based on equivalence rules.
  3. Generates multiple possible execution plans.
  4. Uses statistics to estimate the cost of each plan.
  5. Selects the most efficient execution plan.

For example, a query written as:

FROM Customers
WHEER CITY = 'New York' AND Balance > 1000; 
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can be expressed in relational algebra as:

σ City='New York' AND Balance > 1000 (Customers) 
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  • σ: Selection operator, which filters rows based on conditions.
  • π: Projection operator, which selects specific columns.

When you write an SQL query, the database query optimizer doesn't execute it directly. Instead, it translates your query into a relational algebra expression and applies a series of transformations based on equivalence rules.

These rules ensure that the query remains logically the same while being computationally more efficient.

Core Optimization Rules

Rule 1: Decomposing Conjunctive Selection

When working with multiple filter conditions, the optimizer can break them down into separate steps, allowing for more efficient processing. Consider this example using a Customers table:

CustomerID | Name    | City      | Balance
1          | John    | New York  | 1500
2          | Sarah   | Boston    | 800
3          | Michael | New York  | 2000
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A query filtering customers from New York with balances over $1000:

SELECT * FROM Customers 
WHERE City = 'New York' AND Balance > 1000;
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The optimizer transforms this into sequential operations:

σ Balance > 1000 (σ City='New York' (Customers))
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This decomposition allows the optimizer to apply filters in the most efficient order based on selectivity and available indexes. If an index exists on City, the optimizer might first filter by city to reduce the number of rows before checking balances.

Rule 2: Reordering Selection and Projection

The optimizer can reorder selection and projection operations to minimize data processing. Consider our previous query modified to select specific columns:

SELECT Name, Balance 
FROM Customers 
WHERE City = 'New York';
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While the logical representation shows projection after selection:

π Name, Balance (σ City='New York' (Customers))
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The optimizer might reorder these operations, ensuring necessary columns are retained while minimizing data movement. This becomes particularly important when working with large tables where reducing the data set early can significantly improve performance.

Rule 3: Join Optimization

Join optimization represents one of the most critical aspects of query performance. Consider a query joining Orders and Customers:

SELECT o.OrderID, c.Name
FROM Orders o
JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
WHERE c.City = 'New York';
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The optimizer transforms this by pushing the filter before the join:

π OrderID, Name (Orders ⨝ (σ City='New York' (Customers)))
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This transformation reduces the number of rows involved in the join operation, significantly improving performance. The optimizer considers factors such as table sizes, available indexes, and join column characteristics when determining the optimal join strategy.

Rule 4: Pushing Down Selections

Selection push-down optimization moves filtering conditions as close as possible to the data source. For example:

SELECT o.OrderID, c.Name
FROM Orders o
JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
WHERE o.Amount > 1000;
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The optimizer pushes the Amount filter to the Orders table before the join, reducing the intermediate result size. This optimization becomes particularly valuable in queries involving multiple joins and complex conditions.

Rule 5: Join Algorithm Selection

Query optimizers employ different join algorithms based on data characteristics and system resources. Consider a query analyzing customer orders:

SELECT c.Name, o.OrderDate, o.Amount
FROM Customers c
JOIN Orders o ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
WHERE c.JoinDate > '2024-01-01';
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For small tables or when appropriate indexes exist, the optimizer might choose a nested loop join, reading each customer row and finding matching orders. When dealing with larger datasets, such as analyzing sales across regions:

SELECT r.RegionName, SUM(s.Amount) as TotalSales
FROM Sales s
JOIN Regions r ON s.RegionID = r.RegionID
GROUP BY r.RegionName;
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The optimizer might select a hash join, building a hash table from the smaller Regions table for efficient lookups. When data is already sorted, as often occurs with indexed columns, merge joins become optimal:

SELECT o.OrderDate, p.ProductName, o.Quantity
FROM Orders o
JOIN Products p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID
WHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN '2024-01-01' AND '2024-03-31'
ORDER BY o.OrderDate;
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Statistics-Based Optimization

Database optimizers rely heavily on statistical information about tables and indexes to make informed decisions. When optimizing a query filtering orders by status:

SELECT CustomerID, COUNT(*) as OrderCount
FROM Orders
WHERE Status = 'Pending'
GROUP BY CustomerID;
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The optimizer uses statistics about the Status column's value distribution to estimate result set size and choose appropriate execution strategies. These statistics help determine whether to use indexes, which join algorithms to employ, and how to order various operations.

Column statistics also reveal correlations between columns, influencing optimization decisions. In a query analyzing sales patterns:

SELECT Region, ProductCategory, SUM(Amount)
FROM Sales
WHERE Amount > 1000 AND Region = 'Northeast'
GROUP BY Region, ProductCategory;
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The optimizer uses statistical correlations between Region and Amount to determine the most efficient filter application order.

Query Writing Best Practices

Writing optimizer-friendly queries requires understanding how the optimizer processes and transforms SQL statements. Early filtering proves crucial for performance:

SELECT c.CustomerID, c.Name, SUM(o.Amount) as TotalPurchases
FROM Customers c
JOIN Orders o ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
WHERE c.Country = 'USA' 
  AND o.OrderDate >= '2024-01-01'
GROUP BY c.CustomerID, c.Name;
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By placing selective conditions in the WHERE clause, you enable the optimizer to reduce the working set before expensive operations. Careful column selection also impacts performance:

-- More efficient approach
SELECT o.OrderID, o.OrderDate, 
       c.Name as CustomerName, 
FROM Orders o
JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
JOIN Products p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID;
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Supporting joins with appropriate indexes enhances optimizer decisions:

CREATE INDEX idx_customer_region ON Customers(Region, CustomerID);
CREATE INDEX idx_orders_customer ON Orders(CustomerID, OrderDate);

SELECT c.Region, COUNT(DISTINCT o.OrderID) as OrderCount
FROM Customers c
JOIN Orders o ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
WHERE c.Region IN ('North', 'South')
  AND o.OrderDate >= '2024-01-01'
GROUP BY c.Region;
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Common Anti-Patterns to Avoid

Several query patterns can hinder optimizer effectiveness. Functions in WHERE clauses prevent index usage:

-- Avoid
WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = 2024

-- Better
WHERE OrderDate >= '2024-01-01' AND OrderDate < '2025-01-01'
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Implicit type conversions can also bypass indexes:

-- Avoid
WHERE OrderID = '1000'

-- Better
WHERE OrderID = 1000
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Unnecessary subqueries often perform worse than equivalent joins:

-- Better approach
SELECT o.* FROM Orders o
JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
WHERE c.City = 'New York'
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Query optimization combines theoretical principles with practical considerations to enhance database performance. Understanding these optimization techniques helps developers write efficient queries that scale effectively with data growth while maintaining consistent performance. Remember that while the optimizer is sophisticated, providing well-structured queries that follow these principles leads to better and more predictable performance.

Top comments (2)

kelosav_wold_50d9caf profile image
Kelisav Wold

Good day, thanks for the article. I have a question about point 2. Can select be before Where? Or am I misunderstanding the example from point 2?

ibrahimhyazouri profile image
Ibrahim H. Al-Yazouri

Good day, and thank you for reading the article and sharing your question! 😊

In SQL, the SELECT statement is used to define which columns you want in the result, and the WHERE clause filters the rows based on a condition. So in SQL syntax, the WHERE comes after SELECT. However, in relational algebra (which is a formal, mathematical way of representing queries), operations like selection (σ, for filtering rows) and projection (π, for selecting columns) are represented separately.

In the relational algebra example:

  • σ City='New York' (Customers) means filter rows where the City is 'New York'.
  • π Name, Balance (...) means choose only the Name and Balance columns from the filtered result.

Here, the optimizer can rearrange the order of these operations (selection first, projection later, or vice versa) to improve query performance. This doesn't change the final result because projection and selection are independent operations in relational algebra.

I hope this clears up your confusion! Let me know if you have more questions.