In this guide, we'll walk through the process of building a CRUD API using ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core (EF Core), and PostgreSQL. The application will follow clean architecture principles, structuring the code into repository and service layers. This structure promotes separation of concerns, making the codebase more maintainable and testable.
1. Setting Up the Project
Creating a New ASP.NET Core Web API Project
We begin by creating a new ASP.NET Core Web API project, which will serve as the foundation for our application.
- Open the terminal or command prompt.
- Run the following commands to create the project:
mkdir PostgresCrud
cd PostgresCrud
dotnet new webapi -n PostgresCrud
cd PostgresCrud
dotnet new webapi
creates a new Web API project with default configurations. -
cd PostgresCrud
navigates into the project folder.
Now, we have an ASP.NET Core Web API project named PostgresCrud
2. Configuring PostgreSQL
Setting Up Connection String in appsettings.json
The connection string for PostgreSQL will be stored in the appsettings.json
file. This file holds the configuration settings required by the application, such as the database connection details.
Example appsettings.json
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Host=localhost;Database=webapi_demo;Username=postgres;Password=mysecretpassword"
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
"AllowedHosts": "*"
- Host=localhost: The PostgreSQL database is hosted locally.
- Database=webapi_demo: The name of the database.
- Username=postgres: PostgreSQL username.
- Password=mysecretpassword: PostgreSQL password.
3. Installing Dependencies
Before we can start interacting with PostgreSQL, we need to install the necessary NuGet packages:
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
dotnet add package Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL
dotnet add package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
: Adds the Entity Framework Core (EF Core) ORM to handle database operations. -
: Adds support for PostgreSQL as the database provider in EF Core. -
: Adds Swagger for API documentation and testing.
4. Database Context (ApplicationDbContext.cs
What is ApplicationDbContext
The ApplicationDbContext
class acts as the bridge between our application and the PostgreSQL database. It holds DbSet properties that represent tables in the database.
File: Data/ApplicationDbContext.cs
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using PostgresCrud.Entities;
namespace PostgresCrud.Data
public class ApplicationDbContext : DbContext
public ApplicationDbContext(DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext> options)
: base(options) { }
public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }
: The base class provided by EF Core for database operations. -
DbSet<Product> Products
: Represents theProducts
table in PostgreSQL. Each property ofDbSet
corresponds to a table.
5. Defining the Entity (Product.cs
What is an Entity?
Entities are classes that define the structure of database tables. In this case, the Product entity will represent products stored in the Products
File: Entities/Product.cs
namespace PostgresCrud.Entities
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public decimal Price { get; set; }
: This is the primary key of the product table. -
: The name of the product. -
: The price of the product.
6. Implementing Repository Pattern
The repository pattern helps us encapsulate database operations into a separate class, allowing for cleaner, more organized code. The repository will be responsible for interacting with the database via EF Core.
Defining the Repository Interface
File: Repositories/IProductRepository.cs
using PostgresCrud.Entities;
namespace PostgresCrud.Repositories
public interface IProductRepository
Task<IEnumerable<Product>> GetAllAsync();
Task<Product> GetByIdAsync(int id);
Task AddAsync(Product product);
Task UpdateAsync(Product product);
Task DeleteAsync(int id);
The IProductRepository
interface defines five CRUD operations:
: Retrieves all products. -
GetByIdAsync(int id)
: Fetches a product by its ID. -
AddAsync(Product product)
: Adds a new product. -
UpdateAsync(Product product)
: Updates an existing product. -
DeleteAsync(int id)
: Deletes a product by its ID.
Implementing the Repository
File: Repositories/ProductRepository.cs
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; // Importing Entity Framework Core for database operations
using PostgresCrud.Data; // Importing the application database context
using PostgresCrud.Entities; // Importing the Product entity
namespace PostgresCrud.Repositories
public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context; // Database context for interacting with the database
public ProductRepository(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context; // Injecting database context via constructor
// Retrieves all products from the database
public async Task<IEnumerable<Product>> GetAllAsync()
// Converts the Products table into a list and returns it asynchronously
return await _context.Products.ToListAsync();
// Retrieves a product by its ID
public async Task<Product> GetByIdAsync(int id)
// Uses FindAsync to search for a product by its primary key (ID)
return await _context.Products.FindAsync(id);
// Adds a new product to the database
public async Task AddAsync(Product product)
// Adds the product entity to the database context
await _context.Products.AddAsync(product);
// Saves the changes to the database asynchronously
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
// Updates an existing product in the database
public async Task UpdateAsync(Product product)
// Marks the product entity as updated in the database context
// Saves the updated product data to the database asynchronously
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
// Deletes a product by its ID
public async Task DeleteAsync(int id)
// Finds the product in the database using the provided ID
var product = await _context.Products.FindAsync(id);
// If the product exists, remove it from the database
if (product != null)
// Saves the changes to the database asynchronously
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
- The ProductRepository class implements the CRUD methods defined in the
interface. It directly interacts with the database using theApplicationDbContext
7. Implementing the Service Layer
The Service Layer in an ASP.NET Core application acts as a bridge between the Controller (API Layer) and the Repository (Data Access Layer). It contains business logic and ensures proper data transformation before sending it to the API consumer.
Defining the Service Interface
File: Services/IProductService.cs
using PostgresCrud.DTOs;
namespace PostgresCrud.Services
public interface IProductService
Task<IEnumerable<ProductResponseDto>> GetAllProductsAsync();
Task<ProductResponseDto> GetProductByIdAsync(int id);
Task AddProductAsync(ProductRequestDto productDto);
Task UpdateProductAsync(int id, ProductRequestDto productDto);
Task DeleteProductAsync(int id);
This service interface includes methods that:
- Retrieve products from the repository.
- Transform Entity models into DTOs for data transfer.
Implementing the Service
File: Services/ProductService.cs
using PostgresCrud.Entities; // Importing the Product entity
using PostgresCrud.DTOs; // Importing Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) for request and response
using PostgresCrud.Repositories; // Importing the Product repository for data access
namespace PostgresCrud.Services
public class ProductService : IProductService
private readonly IProductRepository _productRepository; // Repository instance for database operations
public ProductService(IProductRepository productRepository)
_productRepository = productRepository; // Injecting the repository via constructor
// Retrieves all products, converts them to DTOs, and returns the list
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProductResponseDto>> GetAllProductsAsync()
var products = await _productRepository.GetAllAsync(); // Fetch all products from repository
// Convert each product entity into a ProductResponseDto and return the list
return products.Select(p => new ProductResponseDto
Id = p.Id,
Name = p.Name,
Price = p.Price
// Retrieves a product by ID and converts it to a DTO
public async Task<ProductResponseDto> GetProductByIdAsync(int id)
var product = await _productRepository.GetByIdAsync(id); // Fetch product by ID
// If the product is not found, throw an exception
if (product == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Product not found");
// Convert entity to DTO and return it
return new ProductResponseDto
Id = product.Id,
Name = product.Name,
Price = product.Price
// Adds a new product using a request DTO
public async Task AddProductAsync(ProductRequestDto productDto)
// Convert DTO to entity
var product = new Product
Name = productDto.Name,
Price = productDto.Price
// Add the new product to the database
await _productRepository.AddAsync(product);
// Updates an existing product with new data
public async Task UpdateProductAsync(int id, ProductRequestDto productDto)
var product = await _productRepository.GetByIdAsync(id); // Fetch the product by ID
// If the product does not exist, throw an exception
if (product == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Product not found");
// Update product fields with new values from DTO
product.Name = productDto.Name;
product.Price = productDto.Price;
// Save the updated product in the database
await _productRepository.UpdateAsync(product);
// Deletes a product by ID
public async Task DeleteProductAsync(int id)
var product = await _productRepository.GetByIdAsync(id); // Fetch the product by ID
// If the product does not exist, throw an exception
if (product == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Product not found");
// Delete the product from the database
await _productRepository.DeleteAsync(id);
The service layer transforms the entity model into DTOs (Data Transfer Objects), which makes the data more presentable for the API consumer. It handles any business logic before calling the repository layer.
Breakdown of Service Methods
Method | Description |
GetAllProductsAsync |
Fetches all products, converts them into DTOs, and returns them. |
GetProductByIdAsync |
Fetches a single product by ID. If not found, throws a KeyNotFoundException . |
AddProductAsync |
Converts a ProductRequestDto into a Product entity and saves it in the database. |
UpdateProductAsync |
Checks if a product exists, updates its fields, and saves changes. Throws an exception if the product doesn’t exist. |
DeleteProductAsync |
Checks if a product exists and deletes it. Throws an exception if not found. |
8. Setting Up API Controllers
Creating the Product Controller
The ProductController will define the endpoints for our CRUD operations.
File: Controllers/ProductController.cs
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; // Importing ASP.NET Core MVC framework
using PostgresCrud.Services; // Importing the service layer
using PostgresCrud.DTOs; // Importing Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
namespace PostgresCrud.Controllers
[ApiController] // Specifies that this is an API controller
[Route("api/[controller]")] // Defines the route as 'api/product'
public class ProductController : ControllerBase
private readonly IProductService _productService; // Service instance for business logic
public ProductController(IProductService productService)
_productService = productService; // Injecting the service via constructor
// Handles HTTP GET request to fetch all products
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAll()
var products = await _productService.GetAllProductsAsync(); // Calls service to get all products
return Ok(products); // Returns 200 OK response with product data
// Handles HTTP GET request to fetch a single product by ID
public async Task<IActionResult> GetById(int id)
var product = await _productService.GetProductByIdAsync(id); // Calls service to fetch product by ID
return Ok(product); // Returns 200 OK response if found
catch (KeyNotFoundException)
return NotFound(); // Returns 404 Not Found if product does not exist
// Handles HTTP POST request to add a new product
public async Task<IActionResult> Add(ProductRequestDto productDto)
await _productService.AddProductAsync(productDto); // Calls service to add a new product
return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetById), new { id = productDto.Id }, productDto);
// Returns 201 Created response with location header pointing to the new product
// Handles HTTP PUT request to update an existing product
public async Task<IActionResult> Update(int id, ProductRequestDto productDto)
await _productService.UpdateProductAsync(id, productDto); // Calls service to update product
return NoContent(); // Returns 204 No Content response on success
catch (KeyNotFoundException)
return NotFound(); // Returns 404 Not Found if product does not exist
// Handles HTTP DELETE request to delete a product by ID
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
await _productService.DeleteProductAsync(id); // Calls service to delete product
return NoContent(); // Returns 204 No Content response on success
catch (KeyNotFoundException)
return NotFound(); // Returns 404 Not Found if product does not exist
Here’s a table that explains each method inside the ProductController
Method | HTTP Verb | Route | Description |
GetAll |
/api/product |
Fetches all products and returns them as a JSON array. |
GetById |
/api/product/{id} |
Fetches a single product by ID. Returns 404 Not Found if the product does not exist. |
Add |
/api/product |
Accepts a ProductRequestDto to create a new product. Returns 201 Created with the location of the new product. |
Update |
/api/product/{id} |
Updates an existing product using the provided ID and DTO. Returns 404 Not Found if the product does not exist. |
Delete |
/api/product/{id} |
Deletes a product by ID. Returns 204 No Content on success or 404 Not Found if the product does not exist. |
9. Setting Up Dependency Injection
Finally, to connect everything, register the services and repositories in the Program.cs file for dependency injection.
File: Program.cs
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using PostgresCrud.Data;
using PostgresCrud.Repositories;
using PostgresCrud.Services;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.
// Configure PostgreSQL database
builder.Services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
// Register repositories and services
builder.Services.AddScoped<IProductRepository, ProductRepository>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<IProductService, ProductService>();
// Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at
var app = builder.Build();
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
10. Running the Application
After implementing everything, we can now run the application.
- Apply any database migrations (if required):
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update
- Start the application:
dotnet run
Access the API via Swagger UI at http://localhost:5052/swagger
11. Conclusion
By following this structure, we have:
- Set up an ASP.NET Core Web API.
- Used PostgreSQL and Entity Framework Core to handle database operations.
- Followed Clean Architecture principles by separating concerns into repositories, services, and controllers.
- Implemented a CRUD API with structured error handling and appropriate HTTP status codes.
This structure makes it easier to manage, test, and scale our application as it grows.
Top comments (5)
Explaining of crud ops is perfect using EF. One suggestion if you add or post another article having multiple table combination means when more than one table involves in operation like fetching data from multiple table , also inserting or updating data in multiple table at the same time.
I think the author of this article has done a great job illustrating CRUD operations in a simple example. What it sounds like you are asking for is model configuration (fluent api, data annotations, etc.), and should be kept separate from this particular topic of simple CRUD operations. Given the way EF works, it wouldn't make sense to conflate the two, as the relationships are handled internally within EF.
Too many times, authors try to cram too much into one example, which can be confusing to those just starting out.
He explained it brilliantly! I'm just asking if he could add another post that includes what I requested, as it would help with learning and gaining exposure to real-world application scenarios.
Good article, however I would suggest not returning a dto from the service, due to api endpoint versioning. If a service is tied to a specific version (e.g. dto v1), then you'd have to create a service per verison, which would quickly become unmanageable when business logic changes.
Instead, the controller should be responsible for mapping the record returned by the service into the desired dto version. This way, only one domain service would be needed for all versioned endpoints, and future business logic updates would be easy to handle, as it's located in one place.
how to add raw data in service class