DEV Community

Prashant Ardeshana
Prashant Ardeshana

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Top 10 best React component libraries in 2025

As of 2025, the React ecosystem continues to thrive with a plethora of component libraries that enhance and expedite UI development. Here are ten of the most notable React component libraries to consider:

1. MUI (Material-UI)


  • Description: A comprehensive library implementing Google's Material Design principles, offering a rich set of components like buttons, cards, and modals.
  • Features: Highly customizable with a powerful theming system.
  • Website:

2. Chakra UI

Chakra UI

  • Description: A modern, accessible, and flexible component library that uses a theme-aware style prop system.
  • Features: Built-in support for dark mode and a focus on developer experience.
  • Website:

3. Ant Design

Ant Design

  • Description: An enterprise-grade UI framework with a comprehensive set of high-quality components.
  • Features: Powerful form and table components, making it ideal for complex applications.
  • Website:

4. ShadCN/UI


  • Description: Based on Tailwind CSS and Radix UI, offering minimal, accessible, and highly customizable components.
  • Features: Great for building modern, aesthetic UIs with a focus on developer experience.
  • Website: shadcn/ui

5. React Bootstrap

React Bootstrap

  • Description: A React implementation of the popular Bootstrap framework, providing a familiar feel with React-friendly components.
  • Features: Seamless integration with Bootstrap's responsive grid system.
  • Website:

6. Mantine


  • Description: A feature-rich UI framework with hooks and components focusing on developer experience and accessibility.
  • Features: A wide selection of components like modals, notifications, and tables.
  • Website:

7. NextUI


  • Description: Beautifully styled components optimized for Next.js, offering a lightweight and fast experience with server-side rendering support.
  • Features: Modern aesthetics with a focus on performance.
  • Website:

8. Headless UI

Headless UI

  • Description: A Tailwind-based UI library with unstyled components, ideal for fully custom UI implementations.
  • Features: Works well with Next.js and other modern frameworks.
  • Website:

9. Radix UI

Radix UI

  • Description: Low-level, unstyled components with built-in accessibility, great for developers who want to style components their way.
  • Features: Provides a solid foundation for building custom-styled components.
  • Website:

10. React Aria

React Aria

  • Description: A set of accessible, low-level primitives from Adobe, providing robust accessibility features without styling.
  • Features: Ideal for developers prioritizing accessibility in their applications.
  • Website:

These libraries offer a range of components and features to suit various project requirements, from design aesthetics to accessibility considerations.

Top comments (2)

postpandemicpanic profile image
ArijitRoyPostPandemic β€’

Primereact ??

prashant-ardeshana profile image
Prashant Ardeshana β€’

Yes, right, PrimeReact πŸ™ŒπŸ»