Latest episodes

Episode 14: The 'S' in 'EKS'
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 13: ECS - A Tale of Dos Equis
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 12: My Friend, the Twitter Bot
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 11: Methinks Thou Dost Rent Too Much?
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 10: A Time To Scan
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 9: You Say Key, I Say Quay!
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 8: It's Log! Log!
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 7: Distributed Monitoring, Everywhere
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 6: Shhh! It's a Secret!
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 5: Hawthorne, Observability (and Effects!)
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 4: Source Code/Control Management
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 3: Continuously Integrating, All The Time
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 2: Alll The Stuff Underneath
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,
Episode 1: Containers, Containers Everywhere!
Rent, Buy, Build - Cloud Native Platforms,