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Md Sana ullah
Md Sana ullah

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How to Host a Project on Firebase Hosting

Step 1: Install Firebase CLI

  • Open your terminal and install Firebase CLI globally:
npm install -g firebase-tools
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  • Verify the installation:
firebase --version
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Step 2: Log in to Firebase

  • Log in to your Firebase account:
  1. firebase login

Follow the instructions in your browser to complete the authentication.

Step 3: Initialize Firebase Hosting
Navigate to your project folder:

cd your-project-folder
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Initialize Firebase Hosting:

firebase init
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  • Follow the prompts:
  1. Select Features: Use arrow keys to select Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting (press space to select, then press enter).
  2. Select Project: Choose an existing Firebase project or create a new one.
  3. Public Directory: Enter the folder containing your built files (e.g., dist or build).
  4. Single-Page App: Choose Yes for "Configure as a single-page app."
  5. Overwrite Files: Choose No if it asks to overwrite index.html. Step 4: Build Your Project If your project requires building (e.g., React or Vue), run:
npm run build
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Ensure the output folder (e.g., dist or build) contains the production-ready files.
Step 5: Deploy Your Project**
Deploy the project to Firebase Hosting:

firebase deploy
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  • Once deployed, Firebase will provide a live URL for your project. Step 6: Update and Redeploy

Make changes to your project locally.
Build your project again:


npm run build
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  • Deploy the updated project:
firebase deploy
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Step 7: Debugging Common Issues

Incorrect Public Directory: Ensure the folder specified during initialization contains your index.html.
Cache Issues: Clear your browser cache and hard reload the page.
Error Logs: Check deployment logs in the terminal for debugging.
Congratulations! Your project is now live on Firebase Hosting. 🎉

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