Latest episodes

The Hidden Performance Cost of NodeJS and GraphQL
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 59 - Incident Management with Nora Jones
Software at Scale,
Quadratic C.I. Cost Growth
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 58 - Measuring Developer Productivity with Abi Noda
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 57 - Scalable Frontends with Robert Cooke
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 56 - SaaS cost with Roi Rav-Hon
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 55 - Troubleshooting and Operating K8s with Ben Ofiri
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 54 - Community Trust with Vikas Agarwal
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 53 - Testing Culture with Mike Bland
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 52 - Building Build Systems with Benjy Weinberger
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 51 - Usage based Pricing with Puneet Gupta
Software at Scale,
Thoughts on API Reliability
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 50 - Redefining Labor with Akshay Buddiga
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 49 - State Management with James Cowling
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 48 - API Gateway Management with Josh Twist
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 47 - OpenTelemetry with Ted Young
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 46 - Authorization with Or Weis
Software at Scale,
Systemizing Platform Strategy
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 45 - Q/A with Jon Skeet
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 44 - Building GraphQL with Lee Byron
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 43 - Growth at Loom with Harshyt Goel
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 42 - Daniel Stenberg, founder of curl
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 41 - Minimal Entrepreneurship with Sahil Lavingia
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 40 - Talent Management with Nikita Gupta
Software at Scale,
End of Year Retrospective
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 39 - Infrastructure Security with Guy Eisenkot
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 38 - Hasura with Tanmai Gopal
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 37 - Building Zerodha with Kailash Nadh
Software at Scale,
Software at Scale 36 - Decomposing Monoliths with Ganesh Datta
Software at Scale,