Latest episodes

Engineer's guide to startup advising | Kelsey Hightower
Software Misadventures,
The hard power of management and the soft power of senior ICs | Josh Wills
Software Misadventures,
When enough was enough - practical and emotional drivers for leaving big tech to bootstrap Metacast | Arnab Deka & Ilya Bezdelev (AWS, Google)
Software Misadventures,
Kelsey Hightower - On retiring as Distinguished Engineer from Google at 42 (Part 2)
Software Misadventures,
Kelsey Hightower - On retiring as Distinguished Engineer from Google at 42 (Part 1)
Software Misadventures,
Julie Amundson - Career breaks, job search amidst hiring freezes, positioning yourself and much more - #20
Software Misadventures,