Latest episodes

فلسطين Palestine 🇵🇸
Tech and Coffee,
S2E4 | Flutter Development and Its Impact with Ahmed Abuldahab
Tech and Coffee,
S02E03 | The Backend - عندما يأتي الباك اند للانقاذ: هل هو سوبرمان في عالم التقنية؟
Tech and Coffee,
S2E2 | Frontend - Introduction - واجهة المستخدم (الفرونت اند)
Tech and Coffee,
S2E1-Finally a Good Return - واخيرا عود أحمد
Tech and Coffee,
S1E13: Mohamed Radwan AWS and DevOps
Tech and Coffee,
S1E12: Mohamed Omara | Wifi business (Part 2)
Tech and Coffee,
S1E11: Mohamed Omara | Wifi business (Part 1)
Tech and Coffee,
S1E10: Tech Chat with Ahmed Essam | The Pragmatic Programmer!
Tech and Coffee,
S1E9: Tech Chat With Mosab Ibrahim | The SRE!!?
Tech and Coffee,
S1E8: Tech Chat With Ahmed Abdelalim | Build your own T shape.
Tech and Coffee,
S1E7: Tech Chat with Ahmad Ashraf | From Germany
Tech and Coffee,
S1E6: Tech Chat with Hazem Khaled | In love with ... ?
Tech and Coffee,
S1E5: Tech Chat with Medhat Dawoud | Pure Javascript
Tech and Coffee,
S1E4: Coffee Chat with Sara Alali | Speciality Coffee
Tech and Coffee,
S1E3: Tech Chat with Yahia Ragae
Tech and Coffee,
S1E2: Technical Topic | Non Functional Requirements (NFR)
Tech and Coffee,
Tech & Coffee Interviews | Mohamad Shaban - مع محمد شعبان
Tech and Coffee,