Latest episodes

Compile Podcast Ep 15: Adaptability: an overlooked virtue
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 14: First year of code
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 13: Learning a programming language
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 12: How to avoid quarantine gut?
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 11: Can WFH be productive?
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 10: Staying fit at home
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 9: Workout and Productivity
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 8: Anxiety -- How to deal with it?
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 7: Hobbies -- What we do when we are not working
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 6: Developer Health
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 5: Developer Workflow
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 4: Impostor Syndrome
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 3.5: Morning and night routines
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 3: First Dev Job: Tips and stories
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 2: When to quit a project
The Compile Podcast,
Compile Podcast Ep 0: The Pilot
The Compile Podcast,