Latest episodes

Data processing made easy, e-governance in Ukraine, and marketing Pharma
The Weekly Squeak,
Learning git with Anna Skoulikari
The Weekly Squeak,
Open source at Wikimedia and Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity in Open Source
The Weekly Squeak,
Testing websites and accessible websites
The Weekly Squeak,
A more sustainable internet with Chris Adams of the Green Web Foundation
The Weekly Squeak,
Stories from Ukraine, IT Arena 2023: The future of airports, hiring, and education.
The Weekly Squeak,
What is Developer relations with Richard Roger
The Weekly Squeak,
Loris Degioanni of Sysdig
The Weekly Squeak,
OSS Summit Linux Foundation Europe and Open Source metrics
The Weekly Squeak,
OSS Summit Energy and Sustainability
The Weekly Squeak,
Dragos Nedelcu of the Senior Dev
The Weekly Squeak,
Molham Aref of RelationalAI, the AI coprocessor
The Weekly Squeak,
IFA and Startup night Berlin 2023, slow but steady
The Weekly Squeak,
Sefi Carmel of Spheretrax and what is music?
The Weekly Squeak,
Elise Bently on TincyMCE and CKEditor, AI in the developing world
The Weekly Squeak,
A greener web with Ines Akrap
The Weekly Squeak,
Lab grown forks
The Weekly Squeak,
Replacing people with machines that play Mad Libs with John Davenport
The Weekly Squeak,
Kin Lane of Postman, announcearama, and tech loses its shine
The Weekly Squeak,
IT Arena 2022 - Ukrainian tech braves the war
The Weekly Squeak,
A legendary merge
The Weekly Squeak,
Dotan Horovits of, watch your heroes and the life of Clippy
The Weekly Squeak,
Tiny CSS and Moore's magic Mac
The Weekly Squeak,
Matt Butcher of Fermyon, GTA, Tauri, and is Veganism really that popular?
The Weekly Squeak,
Apache Pulsar with Patrick McFadin
The Weekly Squeak,
All-in-one friendly observability with groundcover
The Weekly Squeak,
SBOMs and software security with Scribe
The Weekly Squeak,
Live play - Battle of the Bards by Dustin Winter
The Weekly Squeak,
A bumper bonus buffet
The Weekly Squeak,