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Do you use bcrypt or other 3rd-party npm packages when hashing user password?

Why are people using third party packages like bcrypt to hash user credentials instead of Node's own built-in classes and methods?

Reduce packages (and dependencies) by using Node's asynchronous scrypt method.

Well how does it work?

import { scrypt, randomBytes } from 'crypto';

const salt = randomBytes(32).toString('hex');
scrypt(password, salt, 32, async (err, derivedKey) => {
  const userToCreate = {
    password: derivedKey.toString('hex'),
    username: username,
    salt: salt,
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The userToCreate will then contain the hashed password, as well as a random salt. In this example the hash and salt will still be different if two passwords are equal. That's exactly what we want!

Top comments (2)

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster
iamgreenintro profile image

Please leave a comment on any thoughts you may have regarding using bcrypt as a separate package instead of a built-in functionality.