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Cover image for Music Monday — What are you listening to? (Favorite Album Titles Edition)
Michael Tharrington for The DEV Team

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Music Monday — What are you listening to? (Favorite Album Titles Edition)

cover image source: Giphy

Last week, a DEV member (shoutout to @thaisavieira!) pointed me to a song with a vulgar album title that made me giggle like a little kid. This got me thinking, we should do a Music Monday that focuses on the best album titles! In fact, it kinda sent me down a whirlwind of ideas and now I have planned out all of our Music Mondays for the rest of the month — woot woot! I'm not ready to reveal everything just yet, but know that they will all be following a similar theme. In any case, back to this week's edition on album titles... there are so many good ones out there! Whether you like'em funny, poignant, strange, self-titled, or not existing at all (I'm looking at you in that blue car, Peter Gabriel) I wanna hear your favorite titles and why!

The Gorillaz

How we do

In this weekly series, folks can chime in and drop links to whatever it is they've been listening to recently + browse others' suggestions. You can follow the suggested genre if you'd like, but don't feel confined to it; you're free to suggest whatever you wanna. 🙌

If you're interested in having other discussions about music, consider following the aptly named #music discussions organization.

Now, share those album titles with and feel free to choose and link to a particular song from the album if you're up for it.

Note: you can embed a link to your song using the following syntax {% embed https://... %}. This should work for most common platforms!

Looking forward to checking out what y'all come up with! 🎶

🚨p.s. Check out @rachelfazio's sister series to Music Monday, Podcast Palooza!🚨

Top comments (27)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, I'm kinda surprised that my cover image ended up staying so massive... did I break something?! 😅

In any case, Dark Side of the Moon seemed pretty appropriate for today. 🌚

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon

This is one of those “I want to forget this so I can hear it for the first time again” albums!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

When it comes to silly album titles, it's hard to beat Primus' Sailing the Seas of Cheese. Here's a classic from it:

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Great! I'm glad to promote some new ideas to Music Monday (sincerely, I love these discussions). In the last week, I brought the Paranoid Type O Negative cover from the album Origin of Feces and now I'd like to talk about another album whose title I love to think about it, it's "The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must be the Heart" from Sepultura, one of my favorite single from this album is:

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Dang, I missed your comment here! I'm so glad you're digging these discussions. I see it as a fun way to get music recommendations from cool people around the world! 🙌

So for whatever reason, the video you shared is unavailable to me. I'm guessing it might be because we're from different parts of the world.

In any case, I can see that your suggestion is Trauma of War and I found it here!

I also found the full album playlist for "The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must be the Heart" and you are right... that is one freaking great album title!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

I love to spend time digging into discussions on DEV. There are always people wanting to hear and help you. I'll defeat this place with my mouse and keyboard (sword and shield).

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Well said!

I'm not even a programmer but I fully agree and love chatting to folks here (and yes, I know work here so I'm a bit biased, haha! 😅)... but, I really do feel like the community is kind and kindness is contagious. Folks build each other up and that behavior spreads. Not that we're completely troll-free and of course arguments arise from time to time between ordinarily calm, cool people. BUT, I feel like the community is overwhelmingly positive and it's nice to be amongst so many kind, helpful people.

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thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Exactly, this is a contagious kindness community! I've never seen such a safe place on the internet like this.

algorodev profile image
Alex Gonzalez

I love listening to movie soundtracks and classic songs, I share with you my Spotify playlist with that kind of songs:

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow, these are great Alex! I'm lovin' Hans Zimmer and see a lot of him in there. I also see that Ludwig Göransson made the cut. 🙌

So many good ones in there and a lot that I don't know at all!

Not sure if you like Tim Burton movies or not, but you might wanna check out Danny Elfman!

Here he is talking about his work with Tim Burton:

algorodev profile image
Alex Gonzalez

Thank so much Michael I will include their songs in my playlist because it is a great composer too!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

I love to write listening Hans Zimmer. His melodies make my blood boil, especially in Gladiator and The Last of the Mohicans

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algorodev profile image
Alex Gonzalez

I recommend you to start listening my playlist, not only Hans Zimmer contains, there are other compositors that are incredible.

But I’m totally agree with you, Hans Zimmer has a lot of incredible soundtracks, that produces magic in my brain while writing code or articles.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Ooo yeah, I'll dig in more for sure. Hans Zimmer is really just one of the ones from the list I was familiar with, but I need to explore the others and give them a chance. That's definitely one of the perks of this thread for me — finding new music!

I tell you what... if you were to suggest just one song from your playlist who would you point me to? To be clear, I'll listen to more than one, but it'd be good to hear if you have a favorite.

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thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

I'll check it out, thanks for sharing!

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algorodev profile image
Alex Gonzalez

I recommend you, James Horner, James Newton Howard and Thomas Newman. Close your are eyes and feel how the music envelop you.

aortega profile image
Alverto Ortega-Garcia

Since I am often in my dark room coding, I share with you one of my favorite albums by Tiesto, "In search of Sunrise" :D

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oooo that's a great title!

Reminds me of a tune called How to See the Sunrise...

I'll check this tune out shortly! Appreciate the suggestion, Alverto. 🙌

aortega profile image
Alverto Ortega-Garcia

dang! I was not expecting that when he started singing 😄 he is going in! Thanks Michael.

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot! So glad you dig it. It's kinda rare to see someone play a cello and sing with it, but he absolutely rocks it.

By the way, I'm listening to "La Hacienda" now and this is lovely. I like the ambient feel of it, the waves and the synths coming together. It's super chill!

I'm gonna keep this mix going. Really love this kinda stuff! 🙌

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

The album "There's a Riot Going On" by Sly and the Family Stone has a really cool story behind it. It's in response to Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On"... I'll let Polyphonic tell it to y'all since that's where I heard about it...

And, because these are great albums, I gotta pick a couple songs...

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Genesis's album "Abacab", titled after one of the songs on the album with the same name describing structure of an early version of the song.

Abacab is the eleventh studio album by English rock band Genesis, released on 18 September 1981 by Charisma Records. After their 1980 tour in support of their previous album, Duke (1980), the band took a break before they reconvened in 1981 to write and record a new album. Abacab is the first Genesis album recorded at The Farm, a recording studio bought by the group in Chiddingfold, Surrey. It marked the band's development from their progressive roots into more accessible and pop-oriented songs, and their conscious decision to write songs unlike their previous albums.

yowise profile image

Already Friday? Haha! Well, the time walks so fast!

nicholasbalette profile image

For the present , I don't hear nothing, just seen animated water. But it's good idea, though.

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon

My favorite “WTF?!” Album…a few good song titles too…

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oooo yes, I remember this one! I think perhaps you shared it at some point, or maybe (just maybe) there's someone else out there in the community who popped in with this.

Regardless, this is a banger of an album and one helluva an album title to boot! The cover is pretty outrageous too, haha... very fitting!

stepheweffie profile image

I know you want it too.