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Cover image for For those who have trouble setting up Datadog RUM
Masayoshi Haruta
Masayoshi Haruta

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For those who have trouble setting up Datadog RUM


If anyone has trouble setting up Datadog RUM, I would like to tell them, "The setup code for JS/NPM version has some incorrect." I have previously texted Datadog support about the feedback, but it has not been fixed, so I wrote it.
Setting page

1. Typo in the snippet

As you can see in the screenshot, a snippet is provided as a sample, but unfortunately, a typo has.
Sample Snipet

Look at line 3, the curly bracket { has been used, datadogRum.init({.
But the } never has been stated in the snippet.

Here is the collect snippet.

import { datadogRum } from '@datadog/browser-rum';

    applicationId: 'hoge-hoge-hoge',
    clientToken: 'hoge-hoge-hoge',
    site: '',

    // Specify a version number to identify the deployed version of your application in Datadog 
    // version: '1.0.0',
    sampleRate: 100,
    replaySampleRate: 100,
    trackInteractions: true,

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2. Disabled Session Replay

If you wanna disable session replay, you also have to be careful with this setup page. There is a toggle, Session Replay Enabled, which seems to allow the snippet to be edited to disable the function.
Image description

However, only this setting doesn't seem sufficient...๐Ÿ˜… You also must set replaySampleRate: 0


Set replaySampleRate to 0 to stop collecting the RUM Session Replay plan which includes replays, resources, and long tasks.

That's why here is the collect snippet!

import { datadogRum } from '@datadog/browser-rum';

    applicationId: 'hoge-hoge-hoge-b2e3-40e049c84c81',
    clientToken: 'hoge-hoge-hoge-881b380180c1171d17',
    site: '',

    // Specify a version number to identify the deployed version of your application in Datadog 
    // version: '1.0.0',
    sampleRate: 100,
    replaySampleRate: 0,
    trackInteractions: true,
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Happy Monitoring!

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