DEV Community

John Smith
John Smith

Posted on • Originally published at on

Restart Omnisharp process within Visual Studio Code

Another quick one for today, Every now and again my intellisense gets confused in Visual Studio Code displaying errors and warnings that should not exist.

The fix for this is to restart the Omnisharp process.

So first off get the commmand pallette up:


Then type:

>omnisharp:restart omnisharp

Everything should then go back to normal.

Success πŸŽ‰

Top comments (3)

thebuzzsaw profile image
Kelly Brown

I never make it that far. I start typing 'omni' and the option to restart just highlights, so I push down and enter. XD

solrevdev profile image
John Smith

That's awesome. The fewer keystrokes we have to type the better!

soccerfield24x7 profile image
Jesse Quijano

Freakin' amazing tip. This is still a problem - especially on Linux for me. Using this command will save me time and much fist shaking at VS Code.