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What's your definition about the perfect CMS?🤖

Someone can say wordpress... naah, someone drupal, someone no cms 😁
What do you think in 2022 cms "must have" functions and don't?

Top comments (4)

jameslovallo profile image
James Lovallo • Edited

I'm a huge fan of Storyblok, so much so that I applied to work there (and got shot down). It's a headless CMS that makes it easy to bring the same data to any platform, but what really sets it apart is their live preview, the whole editing experience, and the detailed tutorials they offer for various front-end frameworks.

vitalijalbu profile image

I really like the shopify frontend editor, concrete5 also is good, but never again wordpress for websites.

czarrj profile image

Why not to use WP for websites?

vitalijalbu profile image

wordrepss is for blog, was born for blogging. Now they are expanding to be a "real" cms but don't think so. as you see, every little thing you need in wordpress you need a plugin, so you finish a simple website with 20 plugins. that's making your site slow. try concrete5 and you will see the big difference.