DEV Community


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The last time I properly checked, I was on ~1000 followers, and I've just realised I've now surpassed 3,000.

Firstly, thanks to everyone that has hit the follow button.

Secondly, Dev is clearly helping people reach wider audiences; I don't think I got higher than ~50 followers on medium.

Thirdly, to those that are following me, I know I've not really blogging for a while. I recently had a child and started a new job, so have really struggled with finding the time. But, is there anything specific you'd like to see from me next?

Fourthly,and lastly, a shameful plug -you can also find me on Twitter at devdrake0 and check out CodeTips (@realcodetips)

Top comments (2)

therealgrinny profile image

I agree with this!! It's so humbling (and encouraging) to find a platform that actually accepts and engages with your content and then comes back for more. Followed!

Congrats on 3000! See you there eventually, maybe... πŸ˜„

devdrake0 profile image

Thanks for the comment and follow, I'm sure you'll reach 300 and beyond :)