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Hem Bahadur Pun
Hem Bahadur Pun

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From Extra Syllabus to Career

I still remember the day it was 19th of July 2022 I learned about Web Development (HTML, CSS) in my college at high school. I was majoring in commerce then, and computer science was an extra syllabus added by our high school. But for me, this extra subject was my favorite. Then, Like everyone, I started researching the web development of this topic on YouTube.

At that time there weren't as many tutors on youtube talking about web dev. But from somewhere I got to land on the channel named Code with Harry as I was from Nepal Hindi language was of little use to me. So, I started learning about web development from his playlist. His teaching style was super fun and the way he used to clear the concept.

As I was going at a good pace. Then my high school board examination was waiting for me 😌. Due to the pressure of the examination, I got distracted and all the topics were fussed from my mind.


After around 4 months from nowhere. Again, I got the motivation to start the journey again. Then, I rejoined the playlist. Then, after around 2 months I got a bit of confidence in topics like HTML, CSS, and Internet stuff. Then built some projects CV, Course Landing Page, Hostinger Landing Page Clone. I think I lost a lot of my time learning CSS which was my second mistake. After that, I started learning about JS again from Harry Bhai. As I don't have any prior knowledge of programming at that time. It usually, takes a bit more time to catch the concepts. At that time I learned about many CS kinds of stuff and programming concepts like types of Programming Paradigms, Classes, Functions, Objects, Arrays, Variables, Loops, etc.
Then I started building some projects from YT Quote Generator, Book Mark Keeper, Music Player, Joke Teller
By building these projects I feel a bit comfortable with javascript.

At that time I had also enrolled for my Bachelor's Degree in Computer science side-wise I was constantly learning and expiring the stuff. There comes my third mistake being stuck in tutorial hell. Then, I decided to build some projects on my own and I accomplished Video Player, Form Validator.

Then, I was looking to be involved in some real-world project, and coincidently. At the end of the first semester, I got a chance to intern as a front-end developer through my college coding program. On day one, I felt like like I didn't know anything they asked me about do I know swagger, redux, react query, and many more? I felt literally what are they talking about. I just had a basic knowledge of React JS. Then, they asked me to research about the terms they just asked me and I opened YouTube a typed How to....? Then one of the senior devs of that organization told me I should try to read docs, and blogs more rather than Youtube. After around 2 weeks I started getting what they asked me about and I also started involving in their projects. Some projects I was involved in were in Thrif Store Nepal, and Billing Software. It has been a quite tough and fun journey up to now. From an extra syllabus to a career and passion for it.


  • Consistency is the key
  • Don't get stuck into tutorial hell.
  • Try a project-based learning approach.
  • Make basic strong.
  • If you want to grow don't stop learning.

Note: The above was my journey and learnings all the above words are from my mistakes and learnings.

Looking for your feedback, Happy Learning πŸ™πŸ»

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