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HactoberFest Report

This is my first time doing hactoberfest and this is my progress so far
My first 3 merged PR got accepted waiting for the other one to get merged. Still I won't stop there gonna contribute as much as I can to opensource.

Hacktoberfest Progress

also got tree planted by hactobefest

Tree Planted

furthermore I received some badged for everything

An image of @mannuvilasara's Holopin badges, which is a link to view their full Holopin profile

Top comments (2)

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Awesome work!

To make sure you get the badges you're after on DEV, please just follow these steps once you are finished!

  • Share a post that includes direct GitHub PR links to help us verify your contributions.
  • Ensure your GitHub account matches your Hacktoberfest profile. It's crucial for validation.
  • Refer to the Contributor Template for detailed post formatting guidance.

Do all these things and we'll be sure to give you the honored contributor badge. In any case, we'll still give you the pledge badge for writing this post up. πŸ™Œ

Thanks so much for participating in this year's event. By the way, you can refer to this post for full contributor completion instructions.

komsenapati profile image
Kom Senapati
