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How NOT to stay an only developer person

What things matter

This section of the blog is basically for all the shit show that you have been hearing for a long time and may have got bored of reading this. I have to write these things as not all people might have read about this (not every fresher has experience ๐Ÿ˜‚)

See to be a good "better" developer several factors are coming your way and you need to work on those here is a list of them:

  1. Continuous Learning:
    These days, technology is constantly evolving, so staying updated with new tools, languages, and best practices is crucial. Engage in ongoing learning through courses, workshops, and online resources.

  2. Problem-Solving Skills:
    Enhance your ability to analyze issues, break them down into smaller tasks, and develop effective solutions after all programming is fundamentally about solving problems.

  3. Practice:
    Practice makes anyone perfect, Work on personal projects, contribute to open-source, and participate in coding challenges to refine your skills and gain practical experience.

  4. Code Quality and Maintainability:
    Not really very necessary if you are a selfish developer (LOL ๐Ÿ˜‚) Try to keep the code clean, readable, and maintainable. Follow coding standards, use appropriate design patterns, and refactor code regularly to improve its quality.

  5. Adaptability:
    Technology changes rapidly. Being adaptable and open to learning new tools and languages ensures you can adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

  6. Teamwork and Collaboration:
    If you don't know the importance of teamwork and collaboration, are you even a programmer?
    Collaboration often leads to better outcomes. Learn to work effectively in teams, share knowledge, and leverage collective expertise to solve problems.

What thing actually matters

As a developer, most of the people are either nerds or less social and we agree on it, but if you keep the same attitude for your whole life you might end up being only a developer and nothing more.

The most important thing that I feel is to be able to communicate, connect, and socialize not so professionally that it feels like you are talking to an AI bot. The conversation should have the power to grab the attention when speaking in a group.

You should try doing it. Eventually, you might enjoy taking the lead in all the prospects of your life and exchanging ideas. EOD that's how you might get the idea for the next big thing.

This is what you must must must do

So the key takeaway can be to

  1. learn to express yourself in public
  2. Don't be shy of mistakes (those who don't make any are not doing anything)
  3. Start taking lead
  4. Take the harder decisions (after all with a vision in mind you will have to make decisions)
  5. When life gives you lemons make lemonade with it (might not make much sense but I felt like writing after all it's my blog you can only read it!)


In short, becoming a more than developer is a journey of continuous learning, practice, and refinement of both technical and soft skills. Strive for improvement, stay curious, and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

Stay happy, Keep hustling
Signing off Meet Bhalodiya,

Peace โœŒ๏ธ

Top comments (4)

martinbaun profile image

Wonderful article. As a founder and developer, very, very helpful Meet :)

meetbhalodiya profile image

happy to help ๐Ÿ˜Œ

gilera-tarf profile image
Gilera Tarf

Great wording man, Hope you make more articles like these!

meetbhalodiya profile image

hey thanks for the encouragement I will soon plan for others though