DEV Community

Moya Richards
Moya Richards

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What style have you picked up from another developer that you are still using?

Good coding style is like correct punctuation: you can manage without it, butitsuremakesthingseasiertoread. โ€“ The Tidyverse Style Guide by Hadley Wickham

What style have you picked up from another developer that you are still using?

I picked up a style for renaming a thing that I want to archive such as a file, a folder, a database file, etc.

This pattern is zxYYYYMMDD_name

it starts with zx so that when I order the list alphabetically it will always appear at the bottom.

Yes, I have been brainwashed, so now everything I manually archive starts off that way.

For example, I have an Oracle MySQL database called example_db that I want to make major changes. Before I mess with it I copy it, then label the copy.


Chances are that if you have ever asked me to help you with code and I have had to touch your files, you have seen me do this.

And another thing: how often do you randomly read style guides on the internet to improve the quality of your code?

Here are some fun ones:
Google JavaScript Style Guide:

Sql Style Guide :


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