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Cover image for Multiple Disease Prediction System
Sudhanshu Ambastha
Sudhanshu Ambastha

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Multiple Disease Prediction System

The Multiple Disease Prediction Bot is a machine learning model designed to predict up to 41 different diseases based on input symptoms. The model is trained on a dataset with approximately 131 parameters and utilizes three different training models: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and Naive Bayes (NB).

List Of Diseases which this model can predict:-
List of Diseases

For a list of Symptoms, please check out the corresponding repository on GitHub: Multiple Disease Prediction system.

The deployed model is available at render: Poly Disease Predictor.

This repository has garnered 4 stars, 6 clones, and 122 views, making it a popular tool for health-conscious individuals seeking quick and reliable body metrics assessment. Give it a try and stay informed about your body composition!

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