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Cover image for FESTO i4.0 Cyber Physical System Demo
Calum Knott
Calum Knott

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FESTO i4.0 Cyber Physical System Demo

I normally prefer to be behind the camera, but as part of my work with Didactic Services, I often run international training and demonstrations, of our flagship product range. Festo i4.0 Cyber Physical System.

Training on these systems requires days of work, in Robotics, Compliant Robotics, Mobile Robotics, PLCs, Sensor Technology, Communication protocols, Networking and MES/ERP systems.

It can get quite heavy quickly.

However last year I had the pleasure of recording the following video series, to explain the system I installed at GBS IOT in Birmingham, UK

The video series also features smaller videos, on each section of the system

CP Lab

CP Factory (Warehousing)

CP Factory (Robotics)

Mobile Robotics, Path Planning, AGVs

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