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Open edX theme powered by TailwindCSS

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what is open edx ?

Open edX is an open-source learning management system used by many universities and organizations worldwide.

Why should I use Tailwindcss for open edx theming?

Tailwindcss is a utility-first CSS framework. New to Utility-First CSS? In short, it makes writing CSS more fun by moving things like color and spacing into function arguments rather than in separate classes. It also provides some nice features like built-in theme support, and default values for properties that change based on the element type.

TailwindCSS brings following advantages to your frontend:

  • Designing with constraints. Using inline styles, every value is a magic number. With utilities, you’re choosing styles from a predefined design system, which makes it much easier to build visually consistent UIs.
  • Responsive design. You can’t use media queries in inline styles, but you can use Tailwind’s responsive utilities to build fully responsive interfaces easily.
  • Hover, focus, and other states. Inline styles can’t target states like hover or focus, but Tailwind’s state variants make it easy to style those states with utility classes.
  • Easier to Maintain: Maintaining a utility-first CSS project turns out to be a lot easier than maintaining a large CSS codebase, simply because HTML is so much easier to maintain than CSS. Large companies like GitHub, Heroku, Kickstarter, Twitch, Segment, and more are using this approach with great success.

How to use our Theme?

First clone the theme repo in your server

mkdir /edx-themes
git clone -b lilac cubite-theme
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Change server configuration

In /edx/etc/lms.yml change the following variables to:

DEFAULT_SITE_THEME: cubite-theme
- /edx-themes
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Compile frontend assets

In your open edx server run:

sudo -H -u edxapp bash
source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env
cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform
paver update_assets lms --settings=production
python lms --settings=production collectstatic --noinput

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Restart services

After the compiling is finished successfully restart open edx services

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all
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Top comments (20)

ogezie profile image

I have installed open edx nutmeg using tutor on my VPS. How can I install this theme on it?

ogezie profile image

Finally, I have installed the cubite theme on my open edx nutmeg, but I can't edit the theme pages (footer, body, logo etc.). Please, someone should point me in the right direction on how to edit. I have actually done some editing of the files, I don't know how to effect the changes. I have tried using the following commands but all failed:

$ tutor local start -d or tutor local init

Please help. I love this theme and really want to use it on my site. It's far better than indigo.

jacksonkitundu profile image
Jackson Kitundu

Hello, Can you tell me how you installed the cubite theme on nutmeg i cant compile the assets.

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ogezie profile image
Info Comment hidden by post author - thread only accessible via permalink

Download this howto that I found on the net. I have modified it slightly as regards my installation.

jacksonkitundu profile image
Jackson Kitundu

Thank you so much. I will give it a try.

kktau profile image

hey i would really appreciate your help, tried to download the object storage and nothing came through

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ogezie profile image

Hi, could you elaborate more?

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kktau profile image

The link you posted above is no longer available could you repost it or send a link to your GitHub that you running this on because I would love to use it for my open edx powered by tutor

ductong169z profile image

I had problem when run paver update_assets lms --settings=production
and sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all.
the changed template had not apply to my edx untill i reboot server.
please help me

corpcubite profile image
Cubite • Edited

Please paste the paver output here. It can be permission issue, make sure edxapp user has access to the directory maybe doing something like can solve it.

sudo chmod -R 777 /edx-themes
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change /edx-themes to your theme directory if you changed it.

ductong169z profile image

yes. i run paver in ../edx-platform.
it run ok.
after that. i restart services with "sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart all"
but nothing is change. I must reboot server to get a change

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corpcubite profile image

I added another command python lms --settings=production collectstatic --noinput to the doc. Let me know if it helped.
I'm going to record a video and will add it to this doc.

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ductong169z profile image

tks u. it worked <3

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corpcubite profile image

Glad to hear it. Great work @ductong169z

blueneel05 profile image
Nilkamal Gotarne

if I have to update anything, how to do it ? i tried changing the index file and recompiled assets but it is not reflecting.

corpcubite profile image

Do you see the theme applied to your site (without the change) ? If not make sure you set lms.yml variables as in this article.
Also check the update_assets command output to see there is no error during the compiling the assets.
If you still need help let me know so we can jump in a call to see what is going on in your instance.

ductong169z profile image

hi, can you tell me where you place mkdir /edx-themes.
I try paver update_assets lms --settings=production

corpcubite profile image

/edx-themes is the root directory. You can place the theme folder where you want but you have to change the COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS variable accordingly to the path where you put the folder

ductong169z profile image

I applied success. And when I want to custom it.
Should I make change in /themes or in /lms/template.

polarkaung profile image
PolarKaung • Edited

Hello, i am having "There has been a 500 error on the test1_edx servers " error when i enroll in demo course and loading the dashboard. That problem doesn't appear on default theme. Am I doing anything wrong? I am using tutor for installation of open-edx tho. So i add the theme folder into the corresponding theme folder in env, build the openedx image, run with 'tutor local quickstart' and then set the theme with 'tutor local settheme cubite-theme"

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