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Cover image for More Willpower to Developers
Siddeshwar Navaneetharan
Siddeshwar Navaneetharan

Posted on

More Willpower to Developers

My Workflow

Scenario: You're a developer, scouring the open source ocean of github, making contributions, raising issues, reading comments in the issue, contributing back, raising PRs and sometimes, the end result is just too far away for the journey to be satisfying enough to keep going. Wouldn't a pick-me-up go a long way ?

Enter uplifiting-quote-action. Any comment you make on a PR or issue and you are met with an uplifting quote. The right words at the right time can do wonders to help recharge your willpower and help you get back on track with renewed vigor and energy.

Behind this action is but one purpose, to kindle the developer's mind to action whenever he/she experiences a sense of declining enthusiasm.

Submission Category:

Wacky Wildcards ๐Ÿ˜

Yaml File or Link to Code

GitHub logo Infinity-Intellect / uplifiting-quote-action

Comments an uplifting quote every time you comment on a PR or an issue.


Comments an uplifting quote every time you comment on a PR or an issue. GithubQuoteComment



Required A github token


Optional A custom beginning statement for a comment



Example Usage

name: quote_comment
on: issue_comment
    name: PR Comment
    if: ${{ github.event.issue.pull_request }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: infinity-intellect/uplifiting-quote-action@v1.0.0
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          comment_starter: 'Thanks for commenting on this PR.'
    name: Issue Comment
    if: ${{ !github.event.issue.pull_request }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: infinity-intellect/uplifiting-quote-action@v1.0.0
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          comment_starter: 'We appreciate you taking your time to comment on this issue.'

Additional Resources / Info

Javscript Github Actions Documentation (Very beginner-friendly!)

As a Github actions newbie, I only regret not getting into this sooner. I can't wait to create more actions that will aid in the developer workflow.

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