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spring framework and need!

what is spring?

Spring is java based enterprise edition framework for developing the enterprise level web applications.

How it helps?

Spring provides easy, fast, safer implementation of code to help reusability, high performance & loosely coupled java applications.

Why it is popular and widely used?

Spring provides speed, simplicity and productivity for implementation enterprise level web applications. This enables developers to focus more on the business logic and other concerns are handled by the spring framework.

  • Simple to use for development: Spring provides the simple & consistent programming model which helps reduce all the boilerplate code and provides clean, concise code implementation.
  • Loose coupling: With more focused granular component implementation, and dependency injection of spring code becomes easy to test, reuse and maintain by easily changes the code without affecting other code components.
  • Robust and Scale: Spring has features like exception handling, caching, connection pooling, and declarative transaction management help in applications stability & scalability.
  • Wide Ecosystem: Spring has wide range of libraries, modules which helps easily integrate in application and provides faster implementations.
  • Community and Support: Spring has a large and active community of developers worldwide which helps, share knowledge, and stay updated with the latest developments in the framework.
  • Easy Integration with Spring Boot: Springboot simplifies the setup and configuration process by minimizing the need for manual configuration and offering out-of-the-box features, making it easier to get started with Spring-based projects.

Spring Core?

Spring core is heart of spring it contains some base classes, principles & mechanisms.
Spring frameworks is extended and depends on the spring core.

Spring is widely used in industry but spring boot has taken over the spring framework. spring framework still has continued the latest developments and improvements to support systems which still using the spring framework.

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