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What I Learned After Applying to Over 150 Software Engineer Internships

Apply Early - Timing Matters

One crucial lesson I learned early on is the significance of timing in the internship application process. Many internship opportunities open up from September to early November, with companies often finalizing their selections well before the start date. Applying early not only demonstrates your enthusiasm and proactive approach but also increases your chances of securing interviews and offers.

A friend of mine applied to Walmart a year and a half before the internship start date and was accepted. I also applied to Walmart, and they presented a comprehensive assessment challenge involving mathematics and quick responses. While I didn't succeed in securing a position at Walmart, I admire Sam Walton's journey. Additionally, I encountered similarly extensive assessment processes with companies like IBM and BlackRock. It appears that prominent organizations favor rigorous assessments during their hiring processes.

Applying to positions that align with your passion is crucial

Personally, as someone with an eye for frontend development, I applied for a variety of IT positions ranging from QA and backend positions to IT technician and Full Stack roles. My resume was heavily frontend projects. Consequently, the majority of responses I received from HR were for frontend positions. This alignment makes sense, as it underscores the importance of tailoring your applications to showcase your strengths and interests. By focusing on roles that resonate with your passion and expertise, you increase the likelihood of finding opportunities that are both fulfilling and aligned with your career aspirations.

Meaningful projects

In addition to applying for positions aligned with your passion, it's essential to showcase meaningful projects on your resume. These projects should demonstrate your proficiency across various technologies, such as the PERN or MERN Stack, and ideally, they should be robust applications that solve real-world problems. Having such projects not only showcases your technical skills but also highlights your ability to create valuable solutions.

Moreover, it's preferable if your projects have active users who benefit from your application. This demonstrates not only your technical capability but also your ability to create products that resonate with and serve a user base. By incorporating projects of this nature into your resume, you not only enhance your candidacy but also provide tangible evidence of your skills and impact.

Grinding Leetcode

Once your resume is polished with powerful projects, you'll likely encounter another phase in the internship application process: receiving LeetCode assignments. These assignments are common practice among many tech companies and serve as a means to assess a candidate's problem-solving skills and algorithmic proficiency. While some may argue that spending time on LeetCode feels like a waste, it's a necessary step in the application process. Many companies use LeetCode assessments as a filtering mechanism to identify top candidates.

As frustrating as it may be to spend hours grinding through algorithmic problems, it's important to approach LeetCode with a strategic mindset. While the problems may not directly correlate with the tasks you'll perform in your internship, mastering them demonstrates your ability to think critically, analyze complex problems, and devise efficient solutions—all of which are highly valued in the tech industry.

Now armed with these helpful tips, you can begin your internship preparation journey early. From refining your resume to showcasing meaningful projects, networking, and tackling LeetCode assignments, each step plays a crucial role in your success. Remember, persistence, adaptability, and resilience are your allies on this path.

So, to all aspiring interns out there, I wish you the best of luck in securing internship opportunities that align with your passions and goals. May your dedication to learning and growth propel you toward a fulfilling career in the tech industry.

Happy coding!
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