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Naming Conventions: Four popular cases

In software development and programming, choosing the right naming convention is important for maintaining code readability and consistency. Four common naming conventions are common used: Camel Case, Pascal Case, Snake Case, and Kebab Case. Each has its power and best practices.

Camel Case:

Camel Case is a naming convention where words are joined together, and each word's first letter, except the first one, is capitalized. It is commonly used in programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and C#. This convention is useful for naming variables, functions, and methods.

Example: camelCaseExample

Pascal Case:

Pascal Case is similar to Camel Case, but the first letter of the word is also capitalized. It is often used for naming classes, interfaces, and other types in various programming languages, including C#, C++, and Swift.

Example: PascalCaseExample

Snake Case:

Snake Case is a naming convention where words are separated by underscores (_) with all lowercase letters. It is commonly used in Python for naming variables, constants, and sometimes functions.

Example: snake_case_example

Kebab Case:

Kebab Case is similar to Snake Case, but instead of underscores, words are separated by hyphens (-). It is frequently used in URLs, HTML attributes, and CSS classes.

Example: kebab-case-example

.NET and Naming Conventions:

In the .NET ecosystem, the most widely used naming convention is Pascal Case for class names and Camel Case for method names and variable names. Microsoft's official C# coding conventions recommend using Pascal Case for public and protected class names and methods. Private methods and variables follow Camel Case.

Example in C#:

public class EmployeeData
    private string employeeName;

    public void SetEmployeeName(string name)
        employeeName = name;

    public string GetEmployeeName()
        return employeeName;

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Using consistent naming conventions in .NET makes the codebase more organized and promotes readability for developers working on the project.


Choosing the right naming convention is important in writing clean and readable code. While Camel Case and Pascal Case are more prevalent in general programming and .NET development, Snake Case and Kebab Case are favored in specific contexts like Python and HTML/CSS. Understanding the strengths and best practices of each naming convention allows developers to make informed decisions based on the language, context, and project requirements.

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Top comments (7)

bytewhisper profile image
bytewhisper • Edited

For fullstack developers it is hell :) Switching between css, html, .net etc. Appropriate style for each case

ruthmoog profile image

Such creative naming isn't it?! I think camelCase is my favourite

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini

In my experience, the most common convention used in Ada is a mix between Pascal and snake

Number_Of_Users : Natural;
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This maybe because it is the one used in the reference manual and in the style guide (Yes! We Ada-ists have a style guide too! πŸ˜„)

bytewhisper profile image


rasheedmozaffar profile image
Rasheed K Mozaffar

The list you mentioned above is πŸ’― complete.
However, there's another convention which is sort of prevalent in the . NET ecosystem, I don't know if it has a name though, but it's for private readonly fields, it's normal camel case, but with an underscore at the beginning of the name, mostly used for fields that will receive an injected dependency, an example would be:

private readonly ILogger<EmployeesController> _logger;

I personally follow that convention wherever I have a private readonly field.

freddyhm profile image
Freddy Hidalgo-Monchez

How would you approach naming convention when starting in a new team or company that doesn't have a naming guideline?

bytewhisper profile image

Bassically, depennds of language. BTW, you can select whatever you want. For example, in my own team we are usign 3 styles, because of frontend (HTML, CSS, Javascript) - backend (C#).