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Cover image for 🍃 Groovi - Create Soothing Focus Mixes
Harsh Singh
Harsh Singh

Posted on • Updated on

🍃 Groovi - Create Soothing Focus Mixes

GitHub logo harshhhdev / groovi

🍃 Create soothing focus mixes


🍃 Create soothing concentration mixes

Branding/Design Board · Demo

🚀 Quickstart

Run the website locally

git clone

Setting up the development environment

cd groovi
# Install deps
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Setting up the database

NOTE: This project uses PostgreSQL database platform on Microsoft Azure store data.

To start with this project, go ahead and setup your PostgreSQL database, and input your connection string under DATABASE_URL in .env

# Generate the Prisma client
yarn prisma generate

# Migrate the schema into PostgreSQL
yarn prisma migrate dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


As this app uses JWT tokens for authentication, go to generate-secret or type in openssl rand -hex 32.

This app also uses Twitter, Google and Facebook for authentication.

Starting server

# Start the server
yarn dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Server should now be running on localhost

🔧 Tools Used

👀 Try it out!
🎨 Check out the branding board

Overview of My Submission

Many of us jam to lofi hiphop beats and ASMR to improve our focus and concentration while we're working -- so, why not create your own concentration mixes?

The goal of this project is to provide you with a basic set of calming, ASMR white noise to build your favourite concentration mixes.

Groovi works like a social website, which has profiles. You can create and like different mixes made by other people, and the website also has support for private mixes that can be seen by just you! You can create mixes without logging in, however to publish them you must login. You can login with either Google, Twitter, or Facebook.

This project is has a lot of features, and it took a lot of my time and effort into designing a clean and responsive interface and bringing it to life. If you enjoyed, consider giving it a ⭐ on GitHub - every star counts!

Submission Category:

This app uses the Azure PostgreSQL service, along with being a creative and cool, best fitting the "wacky wildcards" category.


Link to Code

GitHub logo harshhhdev / groovi

🍃 Create soothing focus mixes


🍃 Create soothing concentration mixes

Branding/Design Board · Demo

🚀 Quickstart

Run the website locally

git clone

Setting up the development environment

cd groovi
# Install deps
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Setting up the database

NOTE: This project uses PostgreSQL database platform on Microsoft Azure store data.

To start with this project, go ahead and setup your PostgreSQL database, and input your connection string under DATABASE_URL in .env

# Generate the Prisma client
yarn prisma generate

# Migrate the schema into PostgreSQL
yarn prisma migrate dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


As this app uses JWT tokens for authentication, go to generate-secret or type in openssl rand -hex 32.

This app also uses Twitter, Google and Facebook for authentication.

Starting server

# Start the server
yarn dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Server should now be running on localhost

🔧 Tools Used

I've made this project by myself! Here are some videos:


Libraries & technologies I've used:

...and if you made it down here, be sure to check out Groovi! Feel free to share your mixes in the comments below :)

Top comments (19)

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi • Edited

I love this UI 🥰

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

Thank you!

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

UI libraries are awesome Harsh :) Keep it up

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

Thank you Atul! Appreciate it :)

xaviermignot profile image
Xavier Mignot

This is creative on so many level: great idea and great UI, very nice job 🤩

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

Haha thank you Xavier! Means a lot to me.

henryjw profile image
Henry Williams • Edited

This is a hackathon entry 😮? Love the UI. Amazing app!

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

Haha, thanks man. I love making my project stand out from the rest, and UI is the best way to go about doing it :)

turker_tunali profile image
Türker TUNALI ⚡

Great. Keep going.

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

Thank you for your kinds words.

billyeatcookies profile image

The UI is pretty great, I love it, keep it up harsh ❤😊

hardikchopra profile image
Hardik Chopra

Another great one 🔥🔥

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

appreciate it ❤️

kartanusdev profile image

Nice job!

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

Thank you so much!

biomathcode profile image
Pratik sharma

Looks great !!

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

Thank youuuu! Means a lot to me.

just_moh_it profile image
Mohit Yadav

Awesome UI man! I know what it takes to design awesome UIs and then implementing them properly in code, and you've done a great job with both of them! Inspirational 😃

harshhhdev profile image
Harsh Singh

Thank you! I appreciate your support :)