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Cover image for Telegraf JS: Library for creating telegram bot using Javascript
Humehr Sanatkar
Humehr Sanatkar

Posted on

Telegraf JS: Library for creating telegram bot using Javascript

We can use any programming languages for develop a telegram bot like PHP, C#, Python...
in this article we used JavaScript for develop telegram bot.

1- In first we need to install Nodejs and NPM (Link).
2- Next step, create an directory so open Terminal or CMD on your project directory, so run this command:

npm init --y
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3- For develop, we need TelegrafJS library. So run this command:

npm i --save telegraf
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4- create index.js file
5- open project on your code editor like VSCode, Notepad++, ...
6- open index.js and write the following code:

const {Telegraf} = requrie("telegraf")

const bot = new Telegraf("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN")

// When user send /start command
bot.start((ctx) => ctx.reply('Welcome'))

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7- For run bot, write and run this command on terminal:

node .
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Extra information about TelegrafJS and documentation: TelegrafJS Doc

I create a simple bot for check user join to telegram channel or no

const { Telegraf } = require('telegraf');

// Replace 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN' with your Telegram Bot API token
const bot = new Telegraf('YOUR_BOT_TOKEN');

// Middleware function to check if a user has joined a channel
function checkChannelJoin(ctx, next) {
  const channelId = '@YourChannelUsername'; // Replace with your channel's username or ID
  const userId =;

  // Check if the user is a member of the channel
  bot.telegram.getChatMember(channelId, userId)
    .then((chatMember) => {
      if (chatMember.status === 'member' || chatMember.status === 'creator' || chatMember.status === 'administrator') {
        // User is a member of the channel
        console.log(`User is a member of the channel.`);
      } else {
        // User is not a member of the channel
        console.log(`User ${userId} is not a member of the channel.`);
        Please join our channel to access the bot functionality.
    .catch((error) => {
      console.log('Error:', error);
      ctx.reply('Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later.');

// Command handler for '/start' command
bot.command('start', checkChannelJoin, (ctx) => {
  ctx.reply('Welcome to the bot!');

// Start the bot

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Note: This script, when the user send /start command in your bot, checks whether the user has subscribed to your Telegram channel (using the middleware), if yes, it executes the next step and Otherwise, it requires the user to join.

Top comments (5)

mohamedbella profile image

First time i know that we can develop a telegram bot using Js, thanks For This interesting article.

hoomehrsanatkar profile image
Humehr Sanatkar

Glad you liked the article

onlinemsr profile image
Raja MSR

How to package it to run in Telegram? APK file?

hoomehrsanatkar profile image
Humehr Sanatkar • Edited

You can deploy on your server or,
Run it on localhost using this command:

node (Path)/(MainFileProjectName Like index.js)
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Note: This command run server on localhost for handle user's requests on server-side

I hope answered you

onlinemsr profile image
Raja MSR

I got it