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Sohail Pathan
Sohail Pathan

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What is a 510 Not Extended response?

The HTTP 510 - Not Extended response status code is sent when a client sends a request that contains an extension declaration that describes the extension to be used. If the server receives such a request but any of the described extensions are not supported for the request, then the server responds with the 510 status code.

Possible/Most common causes:

  • Incomplete or Misconfigured Extensions: When the provided extension is incomplete or misconfigured. Eg. A server requires a specific authentication extension, such as OAuth 2.0 token exchange, but the client’s request doesn’t include support for this extension.

  • Incorrect server configuration: When the server is improperly configured in terms of the extensions required to process the request.

How to Fix a 510 Not Extended?

  • Check the protocol and extension requirements: Review the server’s documentation or contact the server administrator to determine what protocol extensions are required for the request to be successful.

  • Upgrade or modify the client: If the client does not support the required protocol extensions, you may need to upgrade or modify the client to ensure that it can communicate with the server. This could involve updating the client software or implementing custom code to handle the required extensions.

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