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Jim Bennett
Jim Bennett

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Embedding audio files in a Hugo site

I was writing a post today and wanted to embed an mp3 file of some text to speech output. Hugo doesnโ€™t support this natively using shortcodes, so I needed a way to add these, ideally without adding any HTML.

To do this, I needed to create my own shortcode implementation. As it turns out, based on the Hugo shortcode guide, these are not to complicated.

Create the shortcode

Shortcodes live in a folder called shortcodes in your layout folder and are implemented as HTML files, named as <shortcode>.html. For example, if you wanted to create a shortcode called audio you would create the file layout/shortcodes/audio.html.

Shortcodes are snippets of HTML that can be passed named parameters. The HTML for an HTML audio player is:

<audio controls preload="auto">
 <source src="file.mp3">

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Shortcodes can also be parameterized with name parameters that you can get using the {{ .Get "name" }} method, passing the name of the parameter. For the audio shortcode, I need to pass in the audio file, so this can be a parameter. This is set in the src field, so I called this parameter src:

<audio controls preload="auto">
 <source src="{{ .Get "src" }}">

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Done! This is my entire shortcode.

Use the shortcode

Once my shortcode was written, it was easy to use. I added the mp3 file I want to play to the folder for my blog post, and added the shortcode tag in the markdown file for the post:

{< audio src="intro-to-generative-ai.m4a" >}
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Once done, the audio player appears on my page:

The audio player on a blog post page

Use this yourself

If you want to use this shortcode, you can find it on the GitHub repo for this site.

Top comments (2)

roneo profile image

Hi Jim, your Github repo is 404, and your website too!
I wrote about another solution, slightly more advanced and based on

jimbobbennett profile image
Jim Bennett

Thanks - fixed that now.