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Jonathan GΓ³mez
Jonathan GΓ³mez

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πŸ§ͺ Github Actions for Dart package with Environment variables πŸ§ͺ

πŸŽ‰ I just end the configuration and I'm so happy that it work so I'm just gonna throw it here πŸ˜…

I'm currently working on a dar wrapper package for the Notion API so I had to add a secret token for testing. I didn't know how to work with environment variables on flutter until today, and to configure a GitHub Action for the package testing was a good challenge to learn and here are the steps I did if you want to make something similar and don't know how.

πŸ’‘ Also, as I mentioned, I just do this today and I'm still learning so if you know a better way please let me know. And excuse my English hehe.

Now let's get into it in two points:

πŸ”§ Set up Flutter test

- A): By default my variables are set from Platform

String? token = Platform.environment['TOKEN'];
String? testBlockId = Platform.environment['TEST_BLOCK_ID'];
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- B): I have a variable to know when the execution environment is a GitHub Action*

String execEnv =
  env['EXEC_ENV'] ?? Platform.environment['EXEC_ENV'] ?? '';

if (execEnv != 'github_actions') {
  // more code here...
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- C): If the environment is not a GitHub Action then I try to load the .env file

setUpAll(() {
  // load .env variables for all tests

  // more code here...

tearDownAll(() {
  // clean environment after all tests
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- D): I try to set the value of the variables with the following hierarchy from highest to lowest:

  • Value from .env file
  • Value from Platform (initial value by default)
  • An empty string as last option
token = env['TOKEN'] ?? token ?? '';
testBlockId = env['TEST_BLOCK_ID'] ?? testBlockId ?? '';
// variables declared before, see full example code bellow.
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*At least the dotenv package only gets the variables from a file and in GitHub actions the secrets are flushed directly into the environment without occupying an .env file.

full example code:

void main() {
  // (A)
  String? token = Platform.environment['TOKEN'];
  String? testBlockId = Platform.environment['TEST_BLOCK_ID'];

  // (B)
  String execEnv = env['EXEC_ENV'] ?? Platform.environment['EXEC_ENV'] ?? '';

  // (B)
  if (execEnv != 'github_actions') {
    setUpAll(() {
      // (C)

      // (D)
      token = env['TOKEN'] ?? token ?? '';
      testBlockId = env['TEST_BLOCK_ID'] ?? testBlockId ?? '';

    tearDownAll(() {

  group('Notion Block Client', () {
    test('Retrieve block children', () async {
      final NotionBlockClient blocks = NotionBlockClient(token: token);

      var res = await blocks.fetch(testBlockId ?? '');
      expect(res.statusCode, 200);
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full real code click here

πŸ™ Set up GitHub Action

Now on GitHub I create a new GitHub Action.

First of all I have to add the environment variables to the secrets on Settings -> Secrets -> Click to New repository secret:

Screen Shot 2021-05-20 at 17.54.58

And then:
- A) First I add flutter SDK

- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
    java-version: '12.x'
- uses: subosito/flutter-action@v1
    flutter-version: '2.0.5'
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- B) Then I install the dependencies

- name: Install dependencies
  run: flutter pub get
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- C) Finally I run the test passing the secrets as environment variables. Note that I set the EXEC_ENV as "github_actions" like I defined on the tests configuration to avoid to try to load the .env file.

- name: Test package
  run: flutter test
    TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
    TEST_BLOCK_ID: ${{ secrets.TEST_BLOCK_ID }}
    EXEC_ENV: 'github_actions'
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full example code:

name: Test
    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]
    runs-on: macos-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # (A)
      - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
          java-version: '12.x'
      - uses: subosito/flutter-action@v1
          flutter-version: '2.0.5'
      #Β (B)
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: flutter pub get
      # (C)
      - name: Test package
        run: flutter test
          TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
          TEST_BLOCK_ID: ${{ secrets.TEST_BLOCK_ID }}
          EXEC_ENV: 'github_actions'
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full real code click here

πŸ“š Resources

I found very useful the next resources:
Main source:
Secondary but necessary source:

Top comments (1)

devbirgit profile image
Birgit Pohl 🏑

I believe by the time that this article has been written flutter_dotenv has added an additional feature, where you can merge the dotenv and Platform.environment together. Which would simplify your code. :)

// For example using Platform.environment that contains a CLIENT_ID entry
  await DotEnv.load(mergeWith: Platform.environment);
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