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๐ŸŒŸ #DEVImpact2023 Reflections

Proud Moments

I'm proud of my journey in learning Python, C, HTML, and CSS. I created my own website to showcase my skills, projects, and community interactions. Additionally, I developed a personal assistant that operates through voice commands.

DEV Contributions

While I haven't made many contributions, one of my articles gained popularity on DEV: Best way to learn a programming language.

Brilliant Fails

A notable failure includes my personal assistant named Eva and a project that underwent multiple revisions before finally achieving a breakthrough. The project involves a therapist running on a custom dataset that I created. You can find it here.

Celebrate the Numbers

Future Goals

By the end of 2024, I aim to learn C++ and develop a game. I also plan to complete my three major projects:

  1. Website
  2. Eva
  3. Thea

What Does DEV Mean to You?

DEV is the platform I rely on for information in the tech industry. It's where I learn, share my knowledge, document my journey, and connect with like-minded individuals.

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