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Day 41/366

🚀 Today's Learning:


  • Check if an array represents a min-heap or not
  • Convert min Heap to max Heap

🌟 Dev

  • pymongo library

🔍 Some Key Highlights:


To check if an array represents a min-heap, iterate through each parent node starting from the last non-leaf node towards the root. At each step, compare the parent node with its children. If any child is smaller than the parent, it violates the min-heap property, indicating that the array doesn't represent a min-heap. If no violation is found, the array is a min-heap.

To convert a min heap to a max heap, begin by swapping the positions of the parent node and its largest child if any child is greater than the parent. Then, recursively perform this swap operation for each subtree until the entire heap satisfies the max-heap property. This process effectively transforms the min heap into a max heap.


The PyMongo library is a Python driver for MongoDB, enabling interaction with MongoDB databases from Python applications. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing various operations such as inserting, updating, querying, and deleting documents in MongoDB collections. With PyMongo, you can establish connections to MongoDB servers, access databases and collections, and execute commands and queries efficiently. Its design aligns with Python's philosophy, making it easy for developers to work with MongoDB databases seamlessly within their Python projects.

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