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Poetry Of Code
Poetry Of Code

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30 Days of LeetCode!

I embarked on the journey of applying for internships, I soon realized that many companies required candidates to complete HackerRank assessments based on LeetCode problems. This realization prompted me to dive headfirst into the world of LeetCode, and what followed was an incredible 30-day learning experience. I want to share what I've learned during this time.

  1. Problem-Solving Skills: One of the most significant takeaways from my 30 days of LeetCode was the substantial improvement in my problem-solving skills. LeetCode's extensive collection of coding challenges helped me understand various types of problems and how to approach them systematically. Whether it was array manipulation, tree traversal, or dynamic programming, I learned to break down complex issues into manageable steps.

  2. Coding Proficiency: Consistently practicing coding problems on LeetCode significantly enhanced my coding proficiency. As I grappled with different algorithms and data structures, I became more familiar with my programming language (JavaScript). My understanding of the language's syntax, data structures, and common programming paradigms improved significantly.

  3. Data Structures and Algorithms: LeetCode is a goldmine for learning about data structures and algorithms. I delved deep into fundamental concepts such as arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, sorting, searching, and dynamic programming. Understanding these concepts is invaluable for acing technical interviews and excelling in real-world projects.

  4. Debugging Skills: Every coder knows that debugging is an integral part of the process. I encountered and resolved numerous bugs while working on LeetCode problems, which helped me develop better debugging skills. I now find and fix issues more efficiently, a valuable skill in any coding endeavor.

  5. Algorithmic Thinking: LeetCode challenges often require creative and efficient algorithm design. This experience honed my ability to analyze problems and devise elegant algorithms to solve them. It's a skill that has numerous applications in computer science and programming.

  6. Increased Confidence: Successfully solving challenging LeetCode problems had a tremendous impact on my confidence. Knowing that I could tackle complex issues and arrive at working solutions was a significant boost to my self-assurance as a programmer and problem solver.

In conclusion, I've gained valuable skills, improved my coding proficiency, and developed confidence in my problem-solving abilities. As I continue my coding adventure, I look forward to further challenges, more learning, and the satisfaction of knowing that each problem I solve brings me one step closer to my coding goals. I encourage anyone on a similar journey to embrace LeetCode as a valuable resource and discover the incredible growth that awaits.

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