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Alexey Nikolaev
Alexey Nikolaev

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Telegram Web App with React and Next.js

One of the recent Telegram updates finally brought full power of web apps right into Telegram messenger. It means that from now on any dev can embed an MMO game, a ticket store or any other app inside built-it Telegram browser and make it available for 700 millions of users. There is no limits, it's fully functional browser inside messenger.

Telegram Web App API provides user information, theme scheme, haptic feedback (only on mobile/laptop devices), access to video and audio streams. You can check this bot test all possibilities and see what information is provided to web app --

In order to build you own web app for Telegram with React and Next.js you'll need to get information from the app. I'd like to share some code snippets and tips that you can copy-paste and use for a quicker start.

As a first step let's add types to know what data is available for you:

// types.ts
export interface ITelegramUser {
  id: number;
  first_name: string;
  last_name: string;
  username: string;
  language_code: string;

export interface IWebApp {
  initData: string;
  initDataUnsafe: {
    query_id: string;
    user: ITelegramUser;
    auth_date: string;
    hash: string;
  version: string;
  platform: string;
  colorScheme: string;
  themeParams: {
    link_color: string;
    button_color: string;
    button_text_color: string;
    secondary_bg_color: string;
    hint_color: string;
    bg_color: string;
    text_color: string;
  isExpanded: boolean;
  viewportHeight: number;
  viewportStableHeight: number;
  isClosingConfirmationEnabled: boolean;
  headerColor: string;
  backgroundColor: string;
  BackButton: {
    isVisible: boolean;
  MainButton: {
    text: string;
    color: string;
    textColor: string;
    isVisible: boolean;
    isProgressVisible: boolean;
    isActive: boolean;
  HapticFeedback: any;

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As a next step, let's create a context provider and custom hook for Telegram Web App data:

// TelegramProvider
import Script from "next/script";
import { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react";
import type { ITelegramUser, IWebApp } from "types";

export interface ITelegramContext {
  webApp?: IWebApp;
  user?: ITelegramUser;

export const TelegramContext = createContext<ITelegramContext>({});

export const TelegramProvider = ({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}) => {
  const [webApp, setWebApp] = useState<IWebApp | null>(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const app = (window as any).Telegram?.WebApp;
    if (app) {
  }, []);

  const value = useMemo(() => {
    return webApp
      ? {
          unsafeData: webApp.initDataUnsafe,
          user: webApp.initDataUnsafe.user,
      : {};
  }, [webApp]);

  return (
    <TelegramContext.Provider value={value}>
      {/* Make sure to include script tag with "beforeInteractive" strategy to pre-load web-app script */}
      />      {children}

export const useTelegram = () => useContext(TelegramContext);
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As a final step let's use it for our test WebApp page:

// pages/webapp.tsx
import { TelegramProvider, useTelegram } from "lib/TelegramProvider";

const WebApp = () => {
  const { user, webApp } = useTelegram();

  return (
      {user ? (
          <h1>Welcome {user?.username}</h1>
          User data:
          <pre>{JSON.stringify(user, null, 2)}</pre>
          Eniter Web App data:
          <pre>{JSON.stringify(webApp, null, 2)}</pre>
      ) : (
        <div>Make sure web app is opened from telegram client</div>

const WithTelegramProvider = () => {
  return (
      <WebApp />
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or make it available globally by providing Telegram context on the top level at _app.tsx

// _app.tsx
import { TelegramProvider } from "lib/TelegramProvider";
import type { AppProps } from "next/app";

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
      <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;
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That's it! Happy hacking πŸ”₯
Learn more about Telegram Web Apps on their website:

Top comments (3)

t00kind profile image

I use this templete but got f***king undefined object, not Telegram web app. I'm sure that I test it in Telegram client -desktop & mobile. To debug it I used vscode ports

my code:

jefferson_liew_99c09ed85d profile image
Jefferson Liew

How can I make it available globally if I'm using React only and not Next

dannylin108 profile image
Danny Lin

Is there a repo with asmico_attach_bot code? Would be very helpful!
Thanks a lot!