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Distributed SQL Database for Real-Time Analytics

CrateDB is a real-time analytics database solution, enabling data insights at scale. CrateDB’s ability to ingest and manage massive amounts of data from diverse sources empowers companies worldwide to turn data into business value.

Location Dornbirn, Austria Joined Joined on  Twitter logo GitHub logo External link icon
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Retrieving records in bulk with a list of primary key values in CrateDB

Retrieving records in bulk with a list of primary key values in CrateDB

3 min read
Using common table expressions to speed up queries

Using common table expressions to speed up queries

4 min read
Connecting with SSL to CrateDB using the PostgreSQL protocol from Java-based applications

Connecting with SSL to CrateDB using the PostgreSQL protocol from Java-based applications

2 min read
Using dbt with CrateDB

Using dbt with CrateDB

3 min read
Using regex comparisons and other advanced database features for real-time inspection of web server logs

Using regex comparisons and other advanced database features for real-time inspection of web server logs

4 min read
Storing server logs on CrateDB for fast search and aggregations

Storing server logs on CrateDB for fast search and aggregations

3 min read
How to add new nodes to on-premises CrateDB clusters

How to add new nodes to on-premises CrateDB clusters

5 min read
From data storage to data analysis: Tutorial on CrateDB and pandas 2

From data storage to data analysis: Tutorial on CrateDB and pandas 2

3 min read