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🐕Introducing Find a Friend: Your Ultimate Pet Adoption API 🐾🏠

Hello there, wonderful developers! 🌟 Are you an avid animal lover with a heart full of code? If you're as passionate about pets as you are about coding, then get ready to be thrilled about our latest creation: "Find A Friend" - the pawsitively amazing pet adoption app API.

🐶 Unleash the Power of "Find A Friend" API 🐱

Our API, which proudly struts its stuff in version 1.0.0, is packed with features that'll warm your heart and make pet adoption a breeze:

  • ✅ Register Pet Love: Give every furry friend a chance by enlisting them for adoption.
  • 🌍 Local Pet Exploration: Embark on a journey to discover pets available for adoption in your city.
  • 🎯 Tailored Pet Matches: Filter pets based on unique traits to find your perfect companion.
  • 💖 Heartwarming Pet Profiles: Delve deep into detailed pet profiles, uncovering their stories and quirks.
  • 🏆 Championing Organizations: Organizations can confidently register to manage and oversee adoptions.
  • 🏝️ Org's Oasis: Organizations can effortlessly log in to access their profiles and manage adoptions.

💻 Cutting-Edge Tech Stack 🚀

We've built our API using a modern tech stack, including TypeScript, Fastify, Prisma, Cloudinary, and more:

  • TypeScript
  • Fastify
  • Prisma ORM
  • Cloudinary for image storage
  • Authentication with JWT and cookies

How to Get Started 🚀

Getting started with our API is a breeze! Here's a quick guide to set up the project:

  1. Clone the repository: Pet Adoption App Repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Build the project: npm run build
  4. Start the server: npm start

Contribution and Feedback 🤝

We believe in the power of community collaboration. If you'd like to contribute, report issues, or suggest improvements, please visit our GitHub repository and let your voice be heard.

We're thrilled to bring "Find-A-Friend" to developers and pet enthusiasts alike. Let's work together to make a positive impact on the lives of animals in need of a forever home. 🐶🐱

Happy coding and happy pet adopting! 🐾

Author: Edilson Rogerio Cuambe
Connect with me on GitHub

Feel the paw-sitivity! 🐾😄

Repository: Pet Adoption App Repository
Issues: Report Issues

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