DEV Community

Medea for focussync

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Welcome to focussync, a community driven productivity website!

We at focussync believe that achieving your goals is easier and more fun when you have a community supporting you and holding you accountable. That's why we built focussync - to make goal setting and tracking social.

Here's how focussync works:

Set a goal

The first step is setting a meaningful goal you want to achieve. It can be anything from losing 10 pounds to learning a new skill. Write down your goal on focussync and break it into smaller actionable tasks.

Track your tasks

For each task that helps you progress toward your goal, log the time you spend working on it on focussync. This keeps you honest and aware of where you're spending your time.

Stay motivated

See how other focussync users are tracking their progress toward their goals. Comment and encourage each other. The social aspect keeps you motivated and on track to achieve your goals.

We hope focussync can be a helpful tool for you to make achieving your goals a fun and social experience. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback - we're just getting started and want to build the best product we can for our users.

Welcome to the focussync community! Let's make this year the year of achieving our goals.

You can join the focussync community at

Top comments (4)

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Congrats on your new project! I have noticed that a lot of people are launching products around today, for instance, my community-built OS is launching today! It looks like a great goal-setting tool! See ya around!

vulcanwm profile image

thanks dude!
i'll check out your os

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

There’s nothing there yet - I want to see what the community comes up with.

Thread Thread
vulcanwm profile image

ah okay