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Is studying remotely challenging? Part A

This is an interesting topic to me as developing the ability to collaborate with others on university projects can actually prepare you to what comes ahead once you leave university to work.

The option to study remotely or in a hybrid environment is now more common compared to my previous years of study. It comes with great advantages such as saving time and cost on transport, prepare your own lunch at home or even go for a walk between breaks ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿšถ๐ŸŽ“

But it seems that despite of the benefits of studying under remote/hybrid conditions many students struggle to collaborate, to learn or to have fun!

So, for my first published article, I to thought that it would be good to share some of my tips. They might help you if you are finding it hard whilst studying from home.

Simple things

Turn your mic on ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ

If your lecturer is happy with this, it might be easier to speak to ask a question rather than typing. This is particularly nice as it creates a dialogue, and reduces misunderstandings.

Turn your camera on ๐Ÿ“น

If this is possible, please do! For teachers, lecturers and even students it is nice to know that there is someone on the other side. But if you are shy or simply do not have a camera that's okay, there are other ways to let others know that you are there.

When the teacher asks "are there any questions ๐Ÿค”" - reply

When we study in person it is much easier to see whether someone might want to ask a question or whether things make sense, but online this is not as simple. Typing or saying "no" is also an answer.

You have a question but also want to ask in private?

Many applications such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Collaborate Ultra have "breakout rooms". These are separate online spaces from the main call/meeting. They can be handy when you would like one-to-one assistance

Share your screen ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ

Sometimes other students might be wondering about the same or encountering the same issues. So sharing your screen and solving these issues together creates a better learning environment for all. It is also easier for the teacher/lecturer to guide you.

Keep things organised ๐Ÿ’พ

Back on the day I used to keep my hand notes organised into physical folders and with labels. But as things get more digitized, I began having a combination of hand-written and digital notes. If this is you too, I'd recommend that you take a photograph and put it all together.

  • Give meaningful names to your folders/files
  • Separate by category - for example by paper or by semester
  • Establish a true source of information - for example if you use various applications to collaborate with others at school, create a folder where you add all your documents such as OneDrive โ˜๏ธ or Google Drive.

Avoid your bed ๐Ÿ›๏ธโŒ

As temping as it might be - avoid studying on your bed. It is important that your mind is able to separate work/study from resting/sleeping. If you are feeling low on energy it might be better to take the time to actually rest rather than pushing yourself.

Reach out!๐Ÿ™‹

Ask your class mates how they are doing, introduce yourself or offer to help others. Sometimes this is the best way to get things going and to network in class!

I hope these tips are somewhat useful - they might seem obvious and easy to implement but I found that some of peers at university struggle with this. Maybe the same with students all around the globe - who knows.

On part B, I would share some of the tools that I have used and currently use to help me keep things organised at university!

If you have any other tips please share them below!

Cat photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

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