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Prateek Wayne
Prateek Wayne

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Improving Code Quality with Mega -Linter 🧹

What Is a Linter? 🧹

A linter is a tool that analyzes your code for potential issues, style violations, and best practices.
It helps maintain consistency, readability, and overall code quality. Linters can catch errors early, making debugging easier.

Setting Up a Mega Linter in a Node.js Project .

Setup a simple Node JS Project

npm init -y   
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

a package.json will be created.

Setting up Megalinter in a Project

we can set up mega linter in our project just by running a simple command
npx mega-linter-runner --install

megalinter setup

Megalinter supports multiple techstacks

  • Dart
  • Documentation
  • C, C++, C# or Visual
  • Go
  • Java / Groovy / Kotlin
  • Javascript / Typescript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • RUST ....many more

In our case we will select :Javascript / Typescript

It will further ask for customization:

mega linter config

We will select GithubAction
further we will opt these minimal configurations:

mega linter configs

Understanding Changes Files

These are files being created and updated :

file changes1

  • .github/workflows/mega-linter.yaml this contains the workflow ,which will trigger when a pull request is raised:

we can change these triggers as our need

  • .cpell.json


  • .mega-linter.yml This file contains the configuration that we have opted earlier

When we push our changes to github repository
The workflow will gets triggered which we can see in the Action tab of our repository.
Here we can see the failing checks and errors which we have to fix:


Conclusion 🎉
MegaLinter combines multiple linters into one powerful tool, simplifying code quality checks.
Remember to customize the content and add any specific examples or experiences you’d like to share. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments in the section below! 💗

More In-Depth Details
For a deeper dive into MegaLinter, visit the official documentation:
Connect with Me
Happy coding! 🚀

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