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Sonia Singla
Sonia Singla

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Outreachy Internship with Mozilla 🦊

Hello everyone, my name is Sonia πŸ‘±β€β™€οΈ,and I have been selected as an intern at Mozilla Firefox 🦊. I am working on the project β€œPrototype an in-browser mechanism to report Web Compatibility issues” under the mentorship of Dennis Schubert and Mike Taylor and Thomas Wisniewski.

Project Description:

Mozilla’s Web Compatibility team collects reports about sites that work in one browser but don’t correctly work in other browsers. A person should be able to use the Web with any devices and browsers. As part of this Outreachy round, I will be working on prototyping the next version of in-browser reporting component. The reporter is implemented as a standalone WebExtension, that leverages both standard WebExtension APIs as well as some Firefox-specific APIs that allows gathering more information, like taking a screenshot and collecting error messages from the JavaScript error console.

This task includes adopting the existing UX/UI concepts for the new web reporting form to fit the in-browser reporter, coming up with solutions for interactions exclusive to the reporter component, and implementing these ideas as a WebExtension to be possibly embedded into Firefox 🦊.

What is Outreachy?

Outreachy provides three-month internships to work in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Outreachy internships are open to applicants around the world and the interns work remotely.

You can find more detailed information on their website, here.

Application Process:

The first step you have to do is create an account here and fill up some information about you, time commitment πŸ•”, experience you have faced being in the tech industry πŸ’» and, respond as openly as you feel comfortable. Then, you will receive a confirmation email within a week or two if you can keep up the application process.

Once an initial application is approved, you have to pick the projects you want to work on. Many projects sound interesting πŸ€” and we may want to join them all, but we will not have enough time. Give yourself some criteria for choosing projects, then pick 1–2 most potential projects and start making contributions to them. Sounds interesting πŸ˜‰?

Dennis says: If you have any questions, make yourself heard, and keep in mind there are no stupid questions πŸ™‚

You need to set your own deadlines, make progress towards the projects and create a final application.

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Sonia’s reaction, after getting an email for being accepted πŸ™ˆ

It was an adventurous experience applying for this internship, and it’s pretty cool seeing what is behind Firefox, and the feeling of having some patches landed.

There will be three months ahead and am so excited about it. Thanks Outreachy for giving me this opportunity and I’ll do my best πŸ˜‹

If you have any questions, feel free to ping me.

Top comments (1)

rhaenyraliang profile image

Thank you for sharing!