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Adam Crockett πŸŒ€
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

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Let's talk about Godot

A game engine by the name machinery a project which many chose to write a game in, it closed down and demanded subject to the EULA that all developers who paid for the game must stop and delete thier projects! 😱

So that's an example of an EULA taking everything down with it, it's a disgusting move and I think that's why Open source is so important, I didn't realize until the above, how much Open source means to de-risk a project.

So on to the loveable cult Godot, what is it? Well it's an open source game engine with all the right feels, in a very short space of time you can make excellent 2D games and contrary to reputation 3D games, you could now describe them as beautiful in Godot 4's new special flavour of global illumination I'll let you watch the lectures on that!

GDscript is also a really good language to script in that plays as much a part as the editor and it's a really good experience, don't underestimate it as I did, it's worth your time!

Godots docs are fine also and the YouTube tutorials although fewer, are usually of a far greater quality because of the kinds of people who are attracted to Godot

Overall you can probably make a game with Godot and have a blast doing it, knowing that your project is safe in the communities hands!

Oh yeah, Godots founders actually launched a company recently to help deal with license and handling proprietary Nintendo DS ports etc, so Godot really can make AAA titles, it's official

Goday Godot

Top comments (5)

abhinav1217 profile image
Abhinav Kulshreshtha

Personally, I tried godot because both unreal, and unity was extremely slow on my 9 year old linux laptop. Godot was just 40mb including all the dependencies. Another 20mb for C# mono support.

Initially just about 2 years ago, I found it very lacking except for basic graphical games, but now I am looking at videos on newer graphical api's and godot4 latest gdscript stuff I am excited to actually build something bigger than card games for android. I just wish they would release godot-4 quickly so that I could confidently start building game, I have been waiting for it for quite a while now.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

I've just joined Godot just at feature freeze, so nows the time, content on YT is trickling in, and with the Unity news and questionable choices that's going to translate into growth I hope 😁, I'm making 3D games in Godot 4 at the moment, having a blast

shinspiegel profile image
Jeferson 'Shin' Leite Borges

Awesome article.
Would you mind adding the #godot on the tags?

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

I'm a mod and I didn't know about that tag 😳🀭. Thanks I'll also follow the tag

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