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Aditya M
Aditya M

Posted on

Stevey's Blog Rant against The Church of Agile

Just finished reading Steve Yegge's rant against Agile. It's a work of Art, and the man is a gifted comedy writer ๐Ÿ˜‚ The best part is how you get like... Louis CK level humour but with tons of programmer in-jokes!

My favourite part:

The Perl folks have this Perl Haiku competition each year. 
It's a nifty idea, and it's pretty amazing that 
you can write useful seventeen-syllable programs.

I tried it with Java once, and produced a valid Java haiku:

ArrayList<int> myListOfInt = new ArrayList<int>();

which, spoken aloud, reads:

ArrayList of Int
my list of int, equals new
ArrayList of Int

My sides.

Give it a go if you got some free time ๐Ÿ˜„


Top comments (1)

alainvanhout profile image
Alain Van Hout

With written word it's always hard to tell whether something is meant ironically or not, but it seriously sounds as if he honestly finds static typing useless. I wonder whether he also finds unit tests or user acceptance testing useless, or whether he just has a general fondness for regularly fixing bugs in production ๐Ÿ™„.